Senior Member
Jonathan Goldsbie @goldsbie 10m10 minutes ago
Longtime TDSB trustee John Hastings, whom Michael Ford defeated in 2014, is now running to get the seat back:
This could be interesting.
Jonathan Goldsbie @goldsbie 10m10 minutes ago
Longtime TDSB trustee John Hastings, whom Michael Ford defeated in 2014, is now running to get the seat back:
Jennifer Pagliaro @jpags 5m5 minutes ago
Council has to declare Ward 42 seat vacant today. They can decide to fill it by appointment or by-election.
Jennifer Pagliaro @jpags 4m4 minutes ago
Lee wants to defer decision on how to fill the Ward 42 seat until the November meeting.
Jennifer Pagliaro @jpags 37s38 seconds ago
Lee says he has a petition signed by 900 Ward 42 residents asking for appointment because they're sick of all the by-elections
Jennifer Pagliaro @jpags 45s45 seconds ago
That would be @NeethanShan, who has run several times for public office. He came closest to beating Cho in 2014
Scarborough Mirror
.@SCMirror's story on #Ward42 by-election is out of date already. Now 19 candidates are running, including this guy, Kingsley Kwok. #TOpoli
This could be interesting.
If only there were a way to express multiple choices so a consensus candidate can winBUMP
That is way too many people.
He's far more right-wing than Mike Ford.
If only there were a way to express multiple choices so a consensus candidate can win
Yes, he often backed proposals by ex-Trustee Sam.
Now, how would that happen?
Justin Di Dunpar deemed it too confusing for ethnic people to grasp.
Scarborough Mirror @SCMirror 1h1 hour ago
There are now 22 people in the #Ward42 council by-election. After nominations stop on Dec. 30, @SCMirror will *try* talking to them. #TOpoli
That is a lot of people...
Vote for Neethan Shan so he can finally get a higher paying position than school trustee!
Good grief...
Get hyped for another election result like this thanks to first-past-the-post.
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