Architect: KIRKOR Architects and Planners, Page + Steele / IBI Group Architects
Address: 21-31 Widmer St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2014
Height: 468 ft / 142.64 mStoreys: 43 storeys
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Toronto Cinema Tower | 142.64m | 43s | Daniels | Kirkor Architects

It's hard not to note in so many of the dramatic shots of Cinema Tower above how many great urban streets, warehouses and retail strips that there are in the foreground which some on this board would have erased in a moment if they had their way. How unfortunate that we have to continue debating saving vibrant streetscapes like these over and over again.

That is exactly what I thought.

I wouldn't say that there is no room to build here - many parking lots remain to be built while historic architecture can be included in development - but the warehouses and Queen St. W. are what makes the city fabric fantastic here.

However, I would give up the warehouses for the Mirvish + Gehry proposal. That calibre of work is what this rapidly expanding district needs to define it.

Someone please remind me: how many towers are now under construction in the ED?
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in the area bounded by spadina, university,queen,and front, there are 15 towers under construction with an additional 16 proposed.
I'm kind of relieved that Champs was spared from this development. Widmer would otherwise feel much more sterile, especially when that row on the west side of the street inevitably comes down. I expect that the Champs property will become a nice little boutique infill project one day.
Widmer would otherwise feel much more sterile, especially when that row on the west side of the street inevitably comes down.

With the 40 Widmer proposal calling for the destruction of the quaint hostel row, the ones on this stretch seem destined for a similar fate. Appears like no Victorians to be spared in the district. It would shame to lose these ones too because they (here) can restored and used as retail spaces for more restaurants, bars, cafes, boutiques, etc.
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