Toronto Chelsea Green (was 33 Gerrard) | 297.25m | 90s | Great Eagle | a—A

Langham Hotels have not issued a new press release regarding the renos, but what is happening on the exterior now seems to correspond with the earlier stated plan that the balconies would be enclosed (and made part of the rooms).



The renderings make it appear as though the profile will be smooth. I have a feeling this pattern will be removed or covered. The owners probably think it looks, 'dated.'
That precast pattern is interesting and very much of its time, but I doubt they will keep it, unfortunately.
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I'd say it's just a concept. They wouldn't have spent a dime on the balcony project if that was their intention
Yikes. It's like Y&C Condos wandered over from Yonge, tied one on at the E&C and threw up a couple times behind the hotel.
Cool find on the renders Automation! I'd love to see retail at the base facing Gerard (that stretch currently looks horrible). As for the towers I'm all for it. We need some buildings to support Aura and cover up it's lower half (Aura also looks way too tall in the render). All joking aside, this alongside whatever future developments rise @ the World's Biggest Bookstore site should visually help improve this stretch of Yonge dramatically and breathe some fresh life into it.

Edit: found another render:


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