Developer: Greenpark Homes
Address: 8946 Jane St, Vaughan
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2023
Height: 307 ft / 93.45 mStoreys: 26 storeys
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Vaughan Charisma Condominiums Phase 1 | 93.45m | 26s | Greenpark | Kirkor

@Undead, I take it that third crane on the Charisma site, and not on an adjacent site for a project we haven't heard of yet?

I'm not really able to be certain how many cranes are on that site now based on those photos. I'm assuming that's still four, but if you can add some certainty @DarkSideDenizen, that would be great!


Yes, I believe there ae 4 cranes:

The crane on the west tower of "Phase 1" has been removed. The crane on the east tower of "Phase 1" still stands.

There are two cranes on Phase 2 (the tower/phase furthest south)., and there is 1 crane in the pit (Phase 3. "The 5th at Charisma") directly between Phases 1 and 2.

At some point they swapped out the fixed boom/horizontal crane on Phase 2 with a second variable boom crane. It may be the same tower crane they disassembled from the west tower of Phase 1, just relocated to Phase 2.
