Toronto Centro Condos | ?m | 31s | Henderson | IBI Group

from saturday

These things look like they're straight out of Shenzhen.
then the sales pavillon was on a pretty high floor, when you watch the first sequences of the video.

nope ... the sales pavillion was sitting on the ground (parking lot next to Best Buy), but the photos (representing the views from the unit) were captured on a high altitude
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Exterior leaves some to be desired, I'll admit, even as a buyer. But I feel like the interior and amenities will make up for it *crosses fingers*
Value judgments and broad ethnic labels aside, these condos really do resemble the architectural style found in China, particularly Shenzhen. In particular:
1. the white cladding with a touch of color (yellow and red in this case which only increases the association)
2. the "cornices" around the roof
3. the relatively small windows

If they were twice as high, they'd fit right into this cityscape:


Guess what, i remember the sales pavillon at Best Buy, living just 3 minutes away from it.
The photos was captured by a high altitude? Correct, from what building please?
Means somebody took video sequences from an other building (needs to be defined) and mixed them with video sequences from a sales pavillion?
Who should do that and for what reason?

Use Google earth and you run in some trouble.
Tell me from what building you can see the roof from the Civic center so close.

Guess what, i remember the sales pavillon at Best Buy, living just 3 minutes away from it.
The photos was captured by a high altitude? Correct, from what building please?
Means somebody took video sequences from an other building (needs to be defined) and mixed them with video sequences from a sales pavillion?
Who should do that and for what reason?

Use Google earth and you run in some trouble.
Tell me from what building you can see the roof from the Civic center so close.


Just look closely at the first 10 seconds of the video and you will see that the 'views' portrayed on the wall are simply large poster boards (notice the base board at the bottom and 90-degree wall corners)

I estimate the 'views' were captured from about the 25th floor of EQ2

I think the views shown were captured from
