Toronto Centrepoint Mall Redevelopment | ?m | 50s | Revenue Properties Company | Turner Fleischer

Beecroft should go all the way to Steeles and north into Vaughan instead of forcing all these turns.
The problem is Cllr Filion doesn't want all these evil-905er driving through Willowdale - remember, that's part of Cllr Filion's rally cry for TransformYonge - to prevent these evil-905ers from driving through Willowdale on their way to Highway 401
Sure but Beecroft is meant to be a ring road to take people off Yonge. Why make it harder at the north end? They will still drive here and now you'll have to make them turn onto Yonge or Steeles or vice versa.
Sure but Beecroft is meant to be a ring road to take people off Yonge. Why make it harder at the north end? They will still drive here and now you'll have to make them turn onto Yonge or Steeles or vice versa.

While I don't disagree w/your idea; I would point out that the Councillor's bent is specifically to make driving from the 905 difficult with an eye to discouraging it. Which i also favour.

I just don't favour achieving it by turning the north end of Beecroft into a maze. But I do understand the premise.
Unrealistic, but I hope they find a way to keep the excellent Yonge/Steeles No Frills, which is where I shop for groceries despite living nowhere nearby.

There will almost certainly be a grocery store in the redevelopment; and it will likely be in place prior to the existing one being redeveloped.

Whether it remains a No Frills is TBD.
Sure but Beecroft is meant to be a ring road to take people off Yonge. Why make it harder at the north end? They will still drive here and now you'll have to make them turn onto Yonge or Steeles or vice versa.
Beecroft Rd and Doris Ave are supposed to be Ring-Road/Service-Roads for Yonge Corridor of North York Centre / Willowdale ,... not 905. If you extend Beecroft Rd and/or Doris Ave north of Steeles,... it'll just make it easier for all those evil-905ers to be driving into North York Centre / Willowdale as a thoroughfare to Highway 401 - this is one of the main reason why Cllr Filion has been pushing NOT to extend Doris Ave north of Finch Hydro Corridor leaving the entire east side of the proposed Yonge Street North Secondary Plan area without a solid boundary.
Then don't extend Beecroft at all. I get the political angle. I live in the area. I'm hardly a car guy but the ring road is a pain in the ass already (getting in and out of the surrounding areas). But to then complicate it even further by doing this makes no sense. But I guess it is what it is.
Then don't extend Beecroft at all. I get the political angle. I live in the area. I'm hardly a car guy but the ring road is a pain in the ass already (getting in and out of the surrounding areas). But to then complicate it even further by doing this makes no sense. But I guess it is what it is.
IF City of Toronto were to extend Beecroft Rd and/or Doris Ave north of Steeles into 905,... that would just promote more high-density redevelopment north of Steeles,... where the City of Toronto does NOT collect property tax revenue! So what's the benefit for the City of Toronto???

For decades, for generations,.. the City of Toronto have minimized whatever infrastructure it can along the north-end of the City close to Steeles Ave (community centres, schools, public library,... even subway extensions - limited by City but extended by Province,... heck I even remember former Cllr Howard Moscoe refusing a widening of Dufferin Ave in his ward),... why? Because City of Toronto would never ever do anything to the benefit of those evil-905ers!

Look at Beecroft Rd and Doris Ave - the Ring-Roads / Service-Roads of high-density North York Centre Secondary Plan area - they have two purposes:
- to move traffic off Yonge (IE: High-density redevelopment along this Yonge Corridor are usually NOT allowed to have their driveway connected to Yonge St, but instead must connect to side street or Beecroft/Doris)
- provide a solid Boundary between high-density Secondary Plans of Yonge Corridor (North York Centre Secondary Plan and now Yonge Street North Secondary Plan) and protected surrounding low density existing single residential house neighbourhoods. Here, by restricting vehicular access via cutting these side streets off via dead-end and looping-out the side streets (west of Beecroft and east of Doris) so these side streets do not connect directly to the Ring Roads of Beecroft/Doris - and thus prevent traffic infiltration from high-density Yonge Corridor into existing single residential house neighbourhoods.

On that note,... the western Ring-Road / Service-Road - of Beecroft North at CentrePoint Mall site would likely turn east-west,... to form as east-west Service Road just south of Steeles Ave - allowing intensification along south side of Steeles Ave,... while protecting the existing single residential house neighbourhoods to the south.
My street is one of the ones that dead ends and hate it. Clearly I'm not that popular in my neighbourhood :)

The majority on your street loves the fact that it's not connected to Beecroft and then Yonge,... so it doesn't suffer traffic infiltration from high-density Yonge corridor!

Way back in the days, when the City of North York was first creating the Ring-Road / Service-Roads of Beecroft Road and Doris Ave (mainly ParkHome/Empress to Sheppard),...
- the City of North York would poll all the households on the side-streets asking if they wanted their side-street cut off from the proposed Beecroft Rd/Doris Ave,.. they would poll every household from proposed Beecroft Rd to Senlac Rd and proposed Doris Ave to Willowdale Ave,...
- the majority of the household asked always said yes to disconnecting their street from proposed Beecroft Rd and Doris Ave - because they don't want the traffic infiltration from high-density Condo area (ParkHome/Empress and Churchill/Church were always to be connected to Beecroft, Doris and Yonge for emergency vehicle access)
- of course to construct all these dead-end or loop-out side-streets west of Beecroft and east of Doris cost money - often requiring property acquisition,... so how was this financed by the City of North York? Via a special surcharge on property tax! All the households on those dead-end/loop-out street were charged a 10% surcharge on their City of North York property tax to be paid over the next 10 years,... hmmm,... a low instalment payment plan to be paid over the next 10 years,... gee, I wonder who came up with that idea? Nooobody other than,... North York Mayor Mel Lastman!!!

This map shows side-streets (Orange) from the existing single residential house neighbourhood dead-end or loop-out before connecting to westside of Beecroft Rd and eastside of Doris Ave; ParkHomes/Empress Ave and Churchill/Church Ave are the only east-west streets between Finch and Sheppard Ave that connects to Beecroft, Yonge and Doris.

These days, dead-ending and looping out side-street with Beecroft Rd and Doris Ave extension are funded along with the road extensions themselves via Developer Fee/Charges for Roads (Section 45)
They own East York Town Centre in Thorncliffe. Smaller site but Ontario Line is coming. Does Centrepoint predict future of East York Town Centre? Anybody hear anything yet?
This one was appealed to the OLT in February '23.

It is the subject of Appeal Report to the next meeting of North York Community Council which seeks to have staff oppose this at OLT.

Staff have a host of issues w/this as contemplated, it would be too much for to put them all down.

That said, I'll offer a couple of tidbits:









@HousingNowTO will want to make note of this bit:



And there's a lot more.

Staff's objections are long and comprehensive, I think this one is in for a very major re-work.
OLT status on this one is that one CMC has been conducted, a second was scheduled January 22nd, 2024 but was adjourned, there is currently no Merit Hearing scheduled.
