Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

Taken with my phone.

Ditto K. I've always been curious about something. To those people who have lived on a high floor for a long time, do you get tired of it, do you feel disconnected from the city? I've always preferred the bottom 2 floors where I can still converse with people going by, etc.

Me personally, never. Over the years I've lived on higher floors including top floor (38th) of the Plaza II at Y+B and never tired of the view, the 15th floor at 20 Carlton, 23rd at 33 Wood Street and now the 24th where I live now. No disconnection for me at all, summer or winter. I also lived on lower floors in two buildings (6th & the 9th) and felt no more a connection to anything but I sure missed the views that I used to have. I'll always choose the highest floor with a city or lake view wherever I may end up next, and I will always actively seek that "perk" out. A high floor on the south, east or west side of Casa would be paradise for me and if I was buying there, I'd happily pay the premium for such.
more to come




So awesome! Beautiful shots!

That first photo will be much more impressive once Crystal Blu, Uptown and 1 Bloor rise all the way.

It's great to get to see exactly where the other buildings are in relation to my unit.
Tomms, thanks for the photos. They're awesome. Nice to know what my view will be like.

Casaguy, my unit must be quite close to yours, as I believe that's my view too. Hard to tell the floor, though.

Ditto K. I've always been curious about something. To those people who have lived on a high floor for a long time, do you get tired of it, do you feel disconnected from the city? I've always preferred the bottom 2 floors where I can still converse with people going by, etc.
Sometimes its nice to be disconnected from the world after a hard day at the office. Although you have an interesting point, I'm sure the city walks, hanging out by the pool, etc. will most certainly keep you connected.
July 12th Update

As always, your shots are absolutely stunning Tomms. Thank you!

It is with some hesitation I add my meager little contribution for today. Casa from above, north and east sides.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

internal photos

some b+w's







Nice shots tomms. Any chance you could get an internal shot showing the framing in one of the Modena units? I'm assuming you have a construction buddy taking these pictures for you and it would be real handy knowing what is in those steel framed walls (for possible future modifications). The Modena models are the middle west facing units on the upper floors.
tomms, dt toronto geek, casaguy... your photos have been incredible. Thank you. I can tell that tomms' internal Foglia shots are from the 40th floor since there's no balcony glass railing hanging down from above, and the 41st floor is the first with no windows or railings. That's my floor. So the shots of 40 might as well be from my unit, and it's awesome to see them. I've been excited about this place for over 3 years, and now I'm ridiculously excited. These units with the wrap around balconies are going to be amazing. Here's hoping that I don't get hit by a bus before I get the privilege of moving in!
