Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

20 February 2009 photo update

My view late this afternoon from the westend:

I think the City's actually pretty progressive in terms of reducing parking space requirements for residential near subways. Its important to remember the infrastructure-related and non-residential market problems that they have to consider.

Probably the biggest issue is the fact that Transportation Demand Management measures aren't very easy to implement in single-use residential areas. Until we can properly connect residential with employment uses through transit, or mix uses effectively outside of Downtown, most people are going to drive. Sheppard stubway is a perfect case in point... no land use mix and a one-way connection to employment makes it seem like its full at rush hours because its empty going counter-flow and empty the rest of the day. It'll be interesting how much further they can lower parking requirements when we start to get modal split data after the first Transit City lines come on-line.

On the other hand, I'll admit the City is risk adverse when it comes to allowing remote parking or constructing centralised GreenP.

I don't understand the city's position on parking requirements for highrises. It looks like their policies are almost encouraging car ownership. Especially in the core where public transit, Zipcar & Autoshare are readily available, their policy seems like a backward step.
You have a really nice perspective on the skyline from where you live urbandreamer. Yorkville is going to look huge once all the u/c towers are finished.
Android - that pic is nearly enough to make me wish that Casa and BSN would stay the same height. As 'gates' for Charles, that street suddenly looks much more impressive. Well seen!

Today, Casa and BSN from above. It looks like Casa has finally caught up with BSN. (Click on thumbnail and then click on image for full view)

wowser, nice shots dt-t-geek. Can you look south or only north west?

Thanks 3D, I really liked the density in the first shot. These were taken from the roof of my building, I can photograph in any direction from there.
Awesome shots, guys! Another 12 or 13 more floors to go still... but she's already a shimmering beauty!

DT, that's definitely gonna become my new wallpaper... Now all we need is for Tomms to swoop in with his addition to this thread...
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I only count 30 floors! But maybe I'm missing the podium.
