Toronto Casa | 147.52m | 46s | Cresford | a—A

Wow. I am loving this one. Another hit from aA and co. I find the mixed-up aesthetic of Charles St between Yonge and Jarvis really appealing, and Casa will certainly help that.
20 January 2009 photo update

Two views of Casa, around 9:30-10AM this morning:


Jan 23 Update

From Church Street, n. of Isabella

Thanks for the updates. It looks like they are just beginning the flooring of the 30th level. The cold must be slowing things down.

Casa will really start to make an impact now from many new different vantage points.

Also, Cresford recently sent out a new info package for Casa owners. Found it interesting that they swiped at least one of my pics posted on Urban Toronto to show off the tower. (One of the pics I took from inside a friend's office). I guess copyright issues don't apply to developers. At least we know they're reading this forum.
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that's funny - I guess you can be positive and take it as a compliment or use it as an incentive to get your first mortgage payment kindly taken care of...

Not long now till Casa surpasses BSN and as you say starts being visible from lots of different locations. Amazing how close Casa came to "catching up" on the floor count. This thing should just fly once we hit warmer weather.
Thanks for the updates. It looks like they are just beginning the flooring of the 30th level. The cold must be slowing things down.

Casa will really start to make an impact now from many new different vantage points.

Also, Cresford recently sent out a new info package for Casa owners. Found it interesting that they swiped at least one of my pics posted on Urban Toronto to show off the tower. (One of the pics I took from inside a friend's office). I guess copyright issues don't apply to developers. At least we know they're reading this forum.

You should ask them for some kinda incentive... :)))
^I toyed with approaching them but figured it would be a waste of time. They could have at least had the class to send me a message here to ask permission rather than stealing.

Nonetheless, here's where Casa's at today. Currently at work on the 31st floor.

I forgot to check up-close in-person, but it looks as though they've gotten rid of the dead tree that was in the centre of the property... Also, a question for those in the neighbourhood: Walking down Charles today I suddenly noticed how sparse the trees seemed. Maybe it's just because it's winter, but were any other trees removed in the past while (like near the post office on the north side?)





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