Toronto Canary Block Condos | 42.06m | 12s | DundeeKilmer | KPMB

The ground floor takes the same zig zag pattern as the rest of the building. With some complementary awning frames installed.

I wandered by last week and was so impressed with the way this neighbourhood is developing. It’s a good model worthy of repeating. Wide sidewalks, lots of public art, thoughtful mid rise residences with plenty of street level retail. I LOVE the red railings. Does anyone know if they are permanent or just temporary construction barriers?
I actually don't care for the massive right-of-way that exists in the West Don Lands.

Wide sidewalks are great and all, but why so much space allocated for automobiles? The legacy of modernism in planning and architecture lives on through new urbanist design.
Indeed the balconies have changed. Compare a photo I took about two weeks ago (first) to yesterday (2nd). Looks more like renderings now. Has a certain sheen to it in sunshine.
Looks like the perforations in the upper part of the V have gotten a little larger, making it more easily seen through. (I assume it's going to be less windy here the 40 storeys up at Yonge & Eg.)

Balconies look nice and fresh in the surrounding context. Think this one will turn out great.
