Toronto California Condominiums | ?m | 32s | Camrost-Felcorp | Onespace

Ahhhh, Etoooooooooohbico - Toronto's West Coast.


(Mississauga? There be dragons.)
I had this on my short list of possible purchases...I think Camrost makes wonderful condos at a decent price.I luv the area (mystic point)..not over developed yet and still offers a clear view of downtown skyline.Waiting to see the layouts and prices...definitely interested.
Rather amusing that just across the Mimico Creek from where California will rise is to be the South Beach complex.

Just what coast are we on here?

I think its more of the style of the condo rather than the location is the main reason for the names...Waiting for my VIP invite..:)
Well, we don't know what California is going to look like yet, so it's hard to say if the name has been picked to match "California style" (which to me says either open, airy, 60s modern bungalow or ersatz Spanish colonial).

South Beach across the creek is going to have a fArt Decfaux Ocean Boulevard podium which I assume will house some retail along Park Lawn Road, so in that case, yes, the name is meant to capture that style.

I had this on my short list of possible purchases...I think Camrost makes wonderful condos at a decent price.I luv the area (mystic point)..not over developed yet and still offers a clear view of downtown skyline.Waiting to see the layouts and prices...definitely interested.

I have lived through a Camrost buy off plans/development before, and I would not recommend them to anyone! It was a horrible experience!!
which project?...I have friends who are very happy with their finance terms and finish projects..the only really negative is they are always behind schedule by 6-8 months.
Well, we don't know what California is going to look like yet, so it's hard to say if the name has been picked to match "California style" (which to me says either open, airy, 60s modern bungalow or ersatz Spanish colonial).

What did you think of Santa Barbara, where everything seems to be in Spanish colonial mission style?

California could be anything, however, from art moderne apartment blocks south of Hollywood, to Mission style, to amazing modernism.
California Condos (Etobicoke)

I didn't think California Condors ranged as far north as Etobicoke...must be global warming.
Climate change, please, and yes, like an iceberg detached from the coastline of Buffalo or Cleveland, California is arriving on our shores.

Shon - you're right - there is lots of beautiful, more authentic (often old) Spanish colonial in California, including a fair bit in Santa Barbara. When I leveled my swipe I was thinking of those Spanish colonial suburban tract houses that feature in films like ET, ETc. I don't hold out much hope that the California condos here will resemble, say, LA's gorgeous Mission style Union Station for example. I rather expect that this California will look as Californian as Malibu, which while not a bad building, certainly did not arrive on our shores from that particular bit of Pacific surf.

All the leaves are brown

and the sky is grey

California dreamin'...
I don't hold out much hope that the California condos here will resemble, say, LA's gorgeous Mission style Union Station for example. I rather expect that this California will look as Californian as Malibu, which while not a bad building, certainly did not arrive on our shores from that particular bit of Pacific surf.

Even Santa Barbara showed that some buildings done in a "faux" style work, and I found the downtown strangely interesting, as everything there was either authentic, 1920s-1930s neo-colonialist, or 1970s-present "faux" colonialist.

LA Union Station is an interesting case, combining the Mission style with Art Deco and works exceedingly well.
