Toronto Burano | ?m | 48s | Lanterra | a—A

March 27
Have Photos from the 30rd, but not fix yet


Nice balcony glass but I still think it's stupid how the balconies extend past the corner of the building. They should have been used to emphasize the parallelogram shape of the building, not go against it.
It's not 'stupid', which implies that there was no thought put into the design. Conversely, the balconies are meticulously thought out, like all details in an Peter Clewes design. Here they meant to add some tension – a daring element – by breaking free from the building's main thrust. I believe they are at the same time an ironic statement: while a square balcony is the least daring feature on any typical Toronto Box, on this building it's the 90° angle that rebels.
Nice balcony glass but I still think it's stupid how the balconies extend past the corner of the building. They should have been used to emphasize the parallelogram shape of the building, not go against it.

The shape is obvious enough, in my opinion.
Plus if you lived in one of the corner units it would be cool to be on the projecting balcony surrounded by nothing but open air.
On the "bright" side, the fire station is right on Grosvenor - literally a minute away. Between this and the fire at Pure Spirits...hmm.

