Toronto Burano | ?m | 48s | Lanterra | a—A

Toronto is not hollywood worthy and never will be. Toronto's skyline is just too ugly but its getting better. Maybe 50 years from now, if enough nice buildings get built, then Toronto might be in a major hollywood movie. Perhaps Transformers Oh and by the way the Sick Kids Hospital is only going to be like 10 stories, sorry to burst your bubble. :D

i agree... but if PITTSBURGH can get are tax issues and what not, a movie like Dark Knight Rises, then toronto could get something similar... (i understand that tax issues are much of what affects movies to film in certain locales.. and i understand that pittsburgh has that american architecture we don't)

and ya, sick kids is gonna be at least 20, and it has those super high ceilings,
Newsflash: Toronto, aka "Hollywood North", has had hundreds of films and TV shows filmed here in the past ten years alone. Toronto also has the second largest number of highrises on the continent and is continuing to grow - fast.

Yeah, that comment was ignorant. You'd have to be living under a rock not to notice the frequency that films are shot in Toronto. The city can compete with the best, even without disguises. Toronto looks beautiful as itself in Chloe and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. With a structure as bold and iconic as the CN Tower and many great skyscrapers and vistas, Toronto's skyline is outstanding. Now if Hollywood would be less ethnocentric, they could give Americans more films set in this great city with its interesting skyline to enjoy rather than pointlessly disguising it every time.
Yeah, that comment was ignorant. You'd have to be living under a rock not to notice the frequency that films are shot in Toronto. The city can compete with the best, even without disguises. Toronto looks beautiful as itself in Chloe and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. With a structure as bold and iconic as the CN Tower and many great skyscrapers and vistas, Toronto's skyline is outstanding. Now if Hollywood would be less ethnocentric, they could give Americans more films set in this great city with its interesting skyline to enjoy rather than pointlessly disguising it every time.

I don't want to disrespect you but all the films that were shot in Toronto had Toronto disguised as another city. And when Toronto's skyline was shown in a B movie, I was so embarrassed to see how ugly the city looked. I don't hate the city, its just that people need to know that Toronto's skyline is ugly, but its getting better and maybe one day it will be nice and in major Hollywood movies. :D
I don't want to disrespect you but all the films that were shot in Toronto had Toronto disguised as another city. And when Toronto's skyline was shown in a B movie, I was so embarrassed to see how ugly the city looked. I don't hate the city, its just that people need to know that Toronto's skyline is ugly, but its getting better and maybe one day it will be nice and in major Hollywood movies. :D

Toronto's skyline is not very beautiful but it's by no means ugly. You're making it sound worse than it is. I agree that it's too grey and the streetscape is quite bad (poor roads, patchy sidewalks, unsightly wires and hydropoles, and garish billboards and retail signs) but the idea of being embarrased by the skyline is silly. Who exactly is viewing and judging the skyline that you should be ashamed of Toronto's downtown??
Toronto's skyline is not very beautiful but it's by no means ugly. You're making it sound worse than it is. I agree that it's too grey and the streetscape is quite bad (poor roads, patchy sidewalks, unsightly wires and hydropoles, and garish billboards and retail signs) but the idea of being embarrased by the skyline is silly. Who exactly is viewing and judging the skyline that you should be ashamed of Toronto's downtown??

I'm not really ashamed, its just when I see Toronto's skyline in a B movie or other places I feel embarrassed. But afterwards I really don't care about Toronto's skyline, I know what it is and it's not going to change anytime soon so why should I feel bad about it. And about that question, who is watching, more and more ppl around the world are starting to see the city, and Pan Am games is coming up so the number is just going to to rise. But like I said before, I really don't care what ppl think of Toronto's skyline except for those few awkward moments.
I don't want to disrespect you but all the films that were shot in Toronto had Toronto disguised as another city. And when Toronto's skyline was shown in a B movie, I was so embarrassed to see how ugly the city looked. I don't hate the city, its just that people need to know that Toronto's skyline is ugly, but its getting better and maybe one day it will be nice and in major Hollywood movies. :D

i know what you mean... i won't say the skyline is "ugly" it's just way behind an NY or Chicago... to me, the city is "uglier" on the inside, where you get these awkward spaces/streets.

but ya, it's getting better, but light years behind film cities NY and Chicago,
I don't know what you people are smoking, but it's a long shot to say our skyline lacks colour, is ugly, or an embarrassment. In fact, looking at most North American cities (or even cities across the world), I'd say our CBD is rather colourful and full of contrast. The red of Scotia, the white monolithic BMO, TD contrasting against CIBC, the shimmering gold of RBC, and the layers of new glass towers giving some added sparkle. Even more, with all the lighting efforts as of late, our night skyline is more colourful than ever.

You people fetishize NYC and Chicago far too much. Perhaps it's time to move away from this ugly, embarrassing city?
Well they are smoking something regarding the skyline, there are many shots that can make Toronto look more prominent then Chicago.

Now having said that, they're right when you to street level, Toronto definitely does not have the feel, the grander of Chicago or New York. Even smaller American cities to a certain degree. Our streetscape is lacking for the most part.

But that's Toronto ! Get's used to it ... really ... it's not going to change ... we have sooo much more going on, if that's what your obsessing over, pack your bags and move on, see ya !

But steve I'll miss you models / pictures, so please don't leave :)

Honestly though take what I'm saying to heart, Toronto will never be like Chicago in terms of what your looking for (many the skyline sure, in years) but not at ground level. That's the way it is ! Look toward the other great things we have those cities don't.
They do benefit from having 100-200+ years of development on us, no doubt, but I think you're reinforcing that second best mentality by saying we'll never have the ground level environment of those cities. We're still learning, but with more development and some more inspired thinking, there's no reason we can't keep improving our pedestrian realm and street level in general. Bloor Street, for instance, had its mistakes, and we definitely need to work on coordinating services work, but it's a step in the right direction and hopefully a sign of things to come.
Well they are smoking something regarding the skyline, there are many shots that can make Toronto look more prominent then Chicago.

Now having said that, they're right when you to street level, Toronto definitely does not have the feel, the grander of Chicago or New York. Even smaller American cities to a certain degree. Our streetscape is lacking for the most part.

But that's Toronto ! Get's used to it ... really ... it's not going to change ... we have sooo much more going on, if that's what your obsessing over, pack your bags and move on, see ya !

But steve I'll miss you models / pictures, so please don't leave :)

Honestly though take what I'm saying to heart, Toronto will never be like Chicago in terms of what your looking for (many the skyline sure, in years) but not at ground level. That's the way it is ! Look toward the other great things we have those cities don't.

I agree with both 'sides' - Toronto lacks XXX but has YYY as that is true...we have a lot going on and there are significant areas for is what it's. As for comments on "pack your bags and leave", it doesn't make sense realistically for all the obvious reasons but anyway...what I'm surprised about is you saying that Toronto can look more prominent than Chicago...I never sensed that. From which angle(s) do you see that? I find Chicago's downtown to have a lot more tall buildings, with more style and variety along with a greater number of large office towers (which to me are the 'cream of the crop' for skyscrapers - as they're the hardest to get and the most 'prized' given what it represents - economic and corporate prowess).
I don't want to disrespect you but all the films that were shot in Toronto had Toronto disguised as another city. And when Toronto's skyline was shown in a B movie, I was so embarrassed to see how ugly the city looked. I don't hate the city, its just that people need to know that Toronto's skyline is ugly, but its getting better and maybe one day it will be nice and in major Hollywood movies. :D

So what that they were disguised? Typically, the changes consist of superficial things like the street signs and colour of the cabs. Freeze the frames and the attractive city shines through. The skyline is dense and glimmers, with many great landmark towers and the majestic CN Tower giving it a clear identity. It's one of the finest in the world, and the ferry ride to the islands is a stunningly scenic experience. You haven't even named any parameters by which you're judging the skyline. What else could you want? If it wasn't beautiful, it wouldn't dominate postcards and imagery of the city like it does. It already deserves to be in Hollywood movies, except that Americans can be very ethnocentric.
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lol! i'm not going anywhere!.

no one's saying this city isn't liveable, it's just not as "pretty" as other cities people compare us to (Chicago or NYC),

and the CN tower rarely makes it into any films... i'll really emphasize RARELY on this one..
