Northern Light
Also waiting for the expansion across the don valley to thorncliffe and leaside
They're pretty much done for this year.
Currently I think they're contemplating a slightly smaller expansion next year, but in any event I'd be surprised to seem them exceed 600 stations (same as Montreal) in the near term.
Thorncliffe and Leaside are possibilities.
But they have at least 40 stations worth of infill to do based on gaps in already serviced areas.
More to deal w/high-demand locations where bikes or docking posts are in short supply.
After which there are a variety of incremental growth opportunities.
Its important that they not actually do what they did this year w/the ET Seton post and set up a 'stranded' location, where the only post to dock the bike back at is the one from which you started.
Leaside, would require about 8 locations on or south of Eglinton, a couple more on Mt. Pleasant as well to make a workable connection to areas west.
Thorncliffe needs 2 or 3 on-road, but another 1-2 in the valley corridors.
Its not a small matter to service areas that are essentially unserviced today.