Toronto Berczy Park Revitalization | ?m | ?s

And we're live


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Grass on the west side looks dead after just one season. Hope there's plan to replace it.

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For others who frequent this park, before demanding replacement, important to take an educated guess on why it failed.

It was merely a bad batch of sod, or poor install then replacement is fine.

If the issue is its use by dogs, alternate vegetation may be required; if it's drainage, then that should be addressed prior to re-sodding.
^^^There should be. I doubt that dog's meant for sitting. Can't we have nice things?
If the city built a dog, positioned like a seat, it is on them if it breaks from an adult having a little fun at a whimsical fountain. They're not ramming into it with skateboards, or purposely trying to damage it.... Enough of all this NIMBY attitude.
^^^In an ideal world I agree but if that dog breaks from an adult having a little fun, you and I both know that the dog will be broken or removed for at least the whole summer.
^^^In an ideal world I agree but if that dog breaks from an adult having a little fun, you and I both know that the dog will be broken or removed for at least the whole summer.
I hear you. And if this happens, it is on the city for poor planning, not on the adult in this scenario. We can have nice things, if properly planned and executed. Parks are for fun, and a fountain that attracts so much attention, should be built for it.

But I hardly doubt this scenario would happen. I've been to the park, the dogs are well made and indeed look like they could sustain an adult's weight.
I hear you. And if this happens, it is on the city for poor planning, not on the adult in this scenario. We can have nice things, if properly planned and executed. Parks are for fun, and a fountain that attracts so much attention, should be built for it.

But I hardly doubt this scenario would happen. I've been to the park, the dogs are well made and indeed look like they could sustain an adult's weight.

I wouldn't want to put that to the test even though they do look well made. In any case, use "common sense" - the city can't possibly plan for every possible scenario of stupidity - and when it does, things have a tendency to look like junk that no one wants to be near.

I wouldn't want to put that to the test even though they do look well made. In any case, use "common sense" - the city can't possibly plan for every possible scenario of stupidity - and when it does, things have a tendency to look like junk that no one wants to be near.

Personally, I wouldn't classify an adult sitting on a park statue (some might consider it so), somewhat resembling a seat (basically asking for interaction), a surprised scenario or "stupidity". It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to keep this into consideration when planning a public park in the core of the city. I agree, public spaces can't and shouldn't predict every scenario, but they should predict the obvious ones.
