Developer: Republic Developments
Architect: Arcadis
Address: 111 Strachan Ave, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 149 ft / 45.50 mStoreys: 13 storeys
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Toronto Bellwoods House | 45.5m | 13s | Republic | Arcadis

This render looks much better IMO. Like the red brick. Hope that the retained house on the corner is actually able to continue to operate as a neighborhood bar/resto.
It would probably be a small coffee shop or café. The footprint of Pennies (the current bar/restaurant) will be reduced in half for the commercial space — the rear 1-storey addition will be replaced by what looks to be townhouses. Not enough space for a full service resto/bar and there would be issues with kitchen venting, back-of-house/garbage, and noise by being surrounded by townhouse units on two sides.
I really like Pennies and will be sad to see it go.
Has Republic Developments built anything of this scale before in Toronto?

It's so cool that they monitor this thread - first time I've seen a developer monitor the forum for their own project, so they can actually answer questions in real time.
I still really wish this had more space for retail, commercial, or community uses at street level on either street. This is downtown, why is the ground level closed off with private townhouse-style units along most of the frontage instead of being integrated with and open to the city?

The Richmond frontage especially should have more commercial/community space instead of just a small space on the corner.

But even the Strachan I think that street should be urbanized as well even though it's townhouses on the other side of the street that doesn't mean it should always continue to be. If anything those townhouses on the other side should be converted to mixed use themselves eventually too.

IMO all streets basically in this area of the city should be encouraged to be mixed use, and these kinds of private entrance style units on ground level downtown isn't great for the city. Personally speaking I also wouldn't even want to live on ground level downtown in a unit like this where people can look directly into the unit while walking by (unless you keep blinds closed frequently which would also block out light/feel closed in), throw garbage, pee, or worse on your private area. It just doesn't seem like a good residential format to me for downtown.

On the whole this development hopefully will still be pretty nice, but I don't think these townhouse style units are a great fit for here and in general in the city and the fabric of downtown would benefit from having more community and commercials uses at street level outside of main streets — even on currently "residential" streets.
This building is way, way, way, way, way too stout. How many units per floor? 30?

That said, those East-facing units are going to have great views of the skyline, at least until Bellwoods House 2.0 gets built beside it.

Toronto-based Republic also received full zoning approval for Bellwoods House, an Arcadis-designed 229,500-square-foot mid-rise infill condo with townhouses at grade, at 111 Strachan Ave. It will replace mechanic shops and a small bar with 322 new homes while preserving a heritage building.

Sales for the downtown west condo began in October. Young plans to live in the building upon completion.

“It's an exciting project," Young said. "We've tried to deliver a building that we think is a really positive and handsome addition that's going to become one of those really great end-user buildings."
Since @AlbertC provided the article above, I took the time to read it.

I noted that in the piece, its mentioned that SPA is not yet issued here..............

So I decided to see what's up..........

SPA was resubmiitted in Nov '23; and has Notice of Complete Application; but awaits NOAC.

Renders w/the newest arch. docs:





@Paclo may wish to check for any technical updates; nothing was mentioned in the Cover Letter

For convenience here is the link to the SPA:

