Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

I dont think ROCP is that bad, (though i have not seen them in person)......

not to start up with again but your statement that "i have not seen them in person" really tells us all we need to know about your assessment of this development. the fact is, ROCP is as shoddy built a project that has ever been constructed in the city. the materials it is constructed from (ie bitty pieces of sheet metal) render it ugly beyond belief. do yourself a favour, the next time you visit Toronto--go there, and look at it up close and personal. its appalling. its already completely filthy from the pollution and you can see corrosion happening in some of the panels. my guess is they'll be dynamiting it in about 2025.

there have been times that i have stood on the corner of Yonge and Gerrard in astonishment that something that BIG and THAT CRAPPY was ever allowed to be built. and then they built TWO! it literally blows my mind how bad it is. ROCP easily gets my vote for the worst major development in Toronto in the last 20 years. if i was the developer i would be embarrassed to rear my head in the city.
Well, I walk past them almost every day, and while they are not my favourite buildings, I hardly think they deserve the slagging that you have given them.

In my opinion, they hardly rate as "appalling" - and I've yet to see any evidence that they are falling apart. While the cladding might be dirty from dust, that's hardly a product of the design. You can find much more dirty buildings all around.

If you think that ROCP is the worst development in the city in the last 20 years, then you might want to look a little more closely at the collection of buildings that have gone up over that time frame.
my guess is they'll be dynamiting it in about 2025.

My sober guess is that dynamiting will only be required in the event that it's got structural etc problems to match the aesthetics. More likely will be a total reclad. (Remember: we're swinging t/w an era discouraging demolition for "embodied energy" reasons.)
If you think that ROCP is the worst development in the city in the last 20 years, then you might want to look a little more closely at the collection of buildings that have gone up over that time frame.

i said worst MAJOR development. you know: crushingly, brutally BIG--just like ROCP. the cladding alone almost singlehandedly wins the developer the gold ribbon: the cheapness and inappropriateness of it is beyond belief. can you think of other contenders in downtown Toronto? the only development that i can think of that comes remotely close are the dreaded New York Towers on Bayview. In fact, they would probably snatch first prize from ROCP--if they were in downtown Toronto--and like 4 times as high.


also, yes ROCP is filthy from dirt and pollution--and it will stay that way, and get worse and worse because i will bet you dollars to donuts that the sheet metal they chosen to clad the thing in will be impossible to keep clean. it will be like FCP--falling apart before our eyes. at least in that case, they started with expensive materials, rather than something better suited to a garage, a storage unit or a shed.

it started as an eyesore--and it is destined to become an even bigger eyesore with the passing years, until they tear it down, or as Adma suggests, they do a total reclad. they'll probably do it in EIFS, and it'll be even worse.
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the fact is, ROCP is as shoddy built a project that has ever been constructed in the city.

No. The fact is, ROCP retains the highest price/sqft resale value of any residential building on Bay St. (south of Bloor). I guess people pay more for shoddy construction... :confused:
No. The fact is, ROCP retains the highest price/sqft resale value of any residential building on Bay St. (south of Bloor). I guess people pay more for shoddy construction... :confused:

i have no idea what the units are like. maybe its nice inside. i'm talking about the the quality of the construction, and the ridiculous cladding.
A bit overthetop, no? It's not great but it's not horrible.


I think it's mostly the rooftops that ruin these buildings (which you can't see in that photo).

The video is coming sometime later today of the excavating site.... mindboggling!!


by me
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A bit overthetop, no? It's not great but it's not horrible.


I think it's mostly the rooftops that ruin these buildings (which you can't see in that photo).

maybe its just me--i just find them laughably, tragically, bad.

the only thing they've got going for them is the impression they make because of their height--and i truly believe that we will rue the day these babies were ever built on this scale--because, given what are made of, they are going to looking incredibly rundown and shoddy in a matter of a decade or so.
I'm with you deepend. Like the oil spill is changing dialogue about clean energy use, hopefully disastrous projects like this can be a cautionary example for better design in large scale T.O. developments. These monsters are utterly suburban. Total and utter crap.
They dont bother me, I kinda of like them, they certainly dont kill as many birds as an oil spill, and there are plenty of buildings I hate more around the world. At least they are not exact boxes. I little something going up the sides is nice imo, the roof, okay is not great, and the base could be taller, but functionally they are fine, and definitely succeed as value properties.
ROCP1&2 are indeed appallingly ugly and cheap looking, but while standing next to them looking at their aesthetic opposite across the street (Lumiere) I realized that the quality of the ladies coming out of the building was top notch....:D

Aura--the pit is dug; can we quickly hire Peter Clewes to do his magic here?

(Iirc I was the only UT member predicting ROCP would be an ugly development when I first saw the elevations/renderings---was that in 2003 or 2004?)
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by me...

Construction Loading Dock Ramp.... and it's Covered. Diddy would be proud, the big time!!!!

Do it Up!!!


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I strongly suspect that the new ramp is going to be permanent. Why else would they go to the trouble of covering it?
