Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

Aura is making a big impact from Polson Pier. It is visible on the extreme right in this photo from last night:

Red Setting Sun by Jack Landau, on Flickr
What's the deal with these random grey horizontal stripes? Below them I also see a piece of spandrel of the wrong colour. So bizarre.

Isn't this the architects way of adding a bit of 'whimsy' to the structure? I mean there are two buildings on upper Jarvis that do the same thing, but with coloured spandrel, although I must admit they look more like a workman's gaff.
will there be any lighting feature in the crown?

Yes. And that question has been answered multiple times, including once within the last few posts. Googling "aura lighting feature" would have also given you that answer.
Yes. And that question has been answered multiple times, including once within the last few posts. Googling "aura lighting feature" would have also given you that answer.

sir when you have so much stuff going in your mind you cant remember a lot of things and im sorry I didn't Googled the thing.
sir when you have so much stuff going in your mind you cant remember a lot of things and im sorry I didn't Googled the thing.
What does that have to do with anything? Use the forum properly. It's a wealth of information. Look up things like the rest of us do.
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I agree that from many parts of Yonge Street/vantage points to the south, the dominance of the lower portions/setbacks is less noticeable, in fact, Aura looks pretty darn good from NPS. But much of this is due to perspective and the way Aura was designed. Go anywhere east or north along Yonge and this all changes. The tallest setback still creeps up on the curved portion a bit too much to my liking. I've said this before but it would have helped if they reversed the east/west setbacks. It doesn't make sense to have one that high up facing east on an area of Yonge Street where there are essentially no high-rises.

It would be interesting to see what this building would have looked like with another setback atop the current penthouse and an extra 20 floors added..
Aug 12

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What makes aura really special to me is the fact that I can see the top part of the building from so many different places downtown. I kinda use it as a position compass much like the CN Tower.
