Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

Back on the ground, it's still quite a sight. Too bad its north face is the stodgiest view.

Can't say I agree - the massing feels pretty brutal and arbitrary. Had it been like the way it is at the top, curvy and sleek, all the way down to the podium, we'd have had a much nicer building to admire. My .02, natch.
Hey Lenser... to each his own. To me, the 2 chunky off-set rectangles of the lower part set off the curved tube nicely. Had the curve gone right down to the podium, it may have looked a bit like an extra long, shiny paper towel roll. I like the curve growing out of the rectangles. But as I said, we all have our tastes. :)
Wow, great recent pics there guys!

I tend to like the north face the best. From my place, I look at it from the east and it's not all that flattering. But looking south down Yonge Street I find that the massive scale actually works with the two-storey buildings. I now can't imagine this view without Aura in it.
I find myself looking forward to what One Bloor East will look like from where Aura stands... I'm hoping it will be a great addition to the skyline. Meanwhile, a shot of Aura from its base.

Actually, I really like that north face view.

Yup the north view is by far my favourite. The curtain wall spine and fewer balconies really works for me.

It's also spectacular from the GO Train as it comes around the bend towards Union from the east-end, at sunset. There's no way my phone camera would have done it justice.
Aura supports the idea of never judging until 100% complete. I will say that it is a bit of a "two face" some shots fantastic and others not so much. I will wait to the the very end to judge.
Aura supports the idea of never judging until 100% complete. I will say that it is a bit of a "two face" some shots fantastic and others not so much. I will wait to the the very end to judge.

We have no shortage of brilliant, photographic talent here on UT but this building just plain doesn't photograph well. However, every once in a while with just the right contrasting buildings in the frame, a "good" side, the correct distance and the right amount of sunlight it can look "OK". I'm curious to see curtains/blinds up and the top & LED lights completed, but I'm still confident it's going to be much the same as now, any-mediocre-glass-Toronto-condo with a sharp, curvy, section plunked on top - like an after-thought.
