Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza


great pic ^ looks razor thin.

Can't believe this is already on of the tallest buildings in the city, it's probably around 220m by now right?
And regarding Aura being regarded as Toronto's newest landmark, I can agree with that, but only by it's height. The retail below isn't pretty and it's not a building that people necessarily want to go to.
It is a landmark, in that it is a highly visible building which can be used as a wayfinding beacon of sorts. The way the thing looks is entirely a matter of opinion though. You can lump me into the "good from far away but not so great up close" category.
It is a landmark, in that it is a highly visible building which can be used as a wayfinding beacon of sorts. The way the thing looks is entirely a matter of opinion though. You can lump me into the "good from far away but not so great up close" category.

Was walking down Yonge today and was thinking the exact same thing. From a distance, it's very impressive for its sheer dominance of the Yonge/Gerrard skyline, but as you draw nearer, you take a double take at the generic exterior, and god forbid you go to the lower lever shops and the so called food court. I definately don't have the architectural background and knowledge most of you posses, but even I know ugly when I see it. If you were led blind folded to the shops underground, and took it off, you'd swear you were in a flea market before it opens. Whom ever is responsible for that should be fired, seriously, closet sized shops, which lends itself to mostly junk shops, nail salons and barbers (of which there are both already). No chance of a serious or reputable business to open up shop, there's no room. Just seems a real shame, given it's location, and supposed status, it's a very far cry from what it should be, would you open a shop there? Oh, totally off topic guys, but come November 19, going for more surgery, cancer came back, so please, I beg of you, post a lot! I'll have a lot of time to kill stuck in the hospital! (Not looking for sympathy, I'll beat it again, I just get so fricking bored sitting in bed all day)
Many people ironically criticize proposals along Yonge due to the inevitable loss of "small" retailers. Ironic, because that is exactly what Aura is bringing to the area.
Bringing small retailers to the area by burying them deep inside the building? The streetscape around Aura is bland, to be generous. The previous parking lot at least offered some views. As it is we've got the inevitable bank branch. What if the small retailers fronted on to Yonge & Gerrard? Yeah, cluttered, but that's Yonge St.
How many storeys is Aura at now? This many.
Some coverage in the Star.

I have mixed feelings about this project. Yes, of course it's better than the surface parking lot it replaces. And density in the core is great. I'm happy that people are choosing to live in my neighbourhood. But it could have been WAY better than it has turned out. The engineering work to construct the tower is certainly impressive. It's just too bad the building looks so unrelentingly mediocre.

I've been in the basement a couple times to poke around -- the atmosphere is... oppressive; the design seems to be extremely poorly thought out. Meanwhile above ground, someone should really inform BB&B that stacking their stock right up against the windows is unattractive to say the least. At least put blinds up or something!

I'm looking forward to the park redevelopment at the base.

I have in fact started using the tower as a wayfinding point from afar--unfortunately what goes through my head is, 'where's that ugly tower?'

Well, we're stuck with it. I guess we'll just get used to having it around.
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The views from Aura shown in that Star video really are incredible. As much as it's regarded as a mediocre tower, some things will work themselves out over time. I see the basement shops being gutted at some point for one big box retailer, for instance.

It's still an icon, even if it's a not-so-pretty icon.
The views from Aura shown in that Star video really are incredible.

Imagine if you were a neighbour. You'd have to look at Aura every day. Your view would be awful.

By the way I made my way through the retail area on my last trip through College Park and I have to agree with everyone above: WTF were they thinking?
That made me laugh haha :p I think everyone of us downtown (and even beyond) has to look at Aura everyday. It's in all of our views. It's not a discrete, boutique building by any means.

p.s. I'm with people on here who think that it's going come 'alive' at some point and attack other tall buildings. Rise of the Condos. That would be an awesome day! I'd prefer this over a zombie attack. Others will disagree.
