Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

thedeepend says this is a POS and an eye sore and I disagree with both.

It has a lot of substance and isn't the standard square box. I guess in some ways it fits in perfectly with Yonge Street.............imposing and conspicuous but not near what it could be.
The crane is part of the investigation of the accident. More info here:

"The crane cannot be used until it is cleared by an engineer."

So work at Aura will not take place on Friday so that all of Verdi Alliance's work force can attend Kevin Raposo's funeral.

A friend and I stopped for a while tonight and stared up at Aura and the College Park Apartments. We don't get how Raposo could have fallen so far from Aura… it simply seems to defy the laws of physics unless maybe he was thrown… by the crane? How does that happen? Something crazy bad must have happened up there, and it's beyond me that no talk of some kind of bizarre accident up there is leaking out, not yet anyway.

So work at Aura will not take place on Friday so that all of Verdi Alliance's work force can attend Kevin Raposo's funeral.

A friend and I stopped for a while tonight and stared up at Aura and the College Park Apartments. We don't get how Raposo could have fallen so far from Aura… it simply seems to defy the laws of physics unless maybe he was thrown… by the crane? How does that happen? Something crazy bad must have happened up there, and it's beyond me that no talk of some kind of bizarre accident up there is leaking out, not yet anyway.


I don't think a person could even thrown another person that far. The only thing I can think of is that he was standing on or hanging off the end of the crane. Would there ever be a reason for a worker to do that?
My buddy just moved into Aura last night. Can't believe residents can move in this early. The hallways are literally unfinished concrete.



That's typical, they don't do the carpets or final finishes in the hallways until after everyone has moved in. Otherwise everything would get destroyed by movers
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And those pdf's don't mention the other big hazard, that the fall arrest and travel restraint gear can get tangled up in the form. I don't know what happened or if they were even flying forms when he fell, but if someone were to step through the form as it was being pulled out they'd end up getting dragged with it.

As far as I know that's never caused a fatality in Ontario, but I do know of more than one fatality where someone's lifeline, lanyard, or harness got snagged and the worker was either thrown or dragged or knocked off something. Not that I'm in any way arguing against the value of fall protection, but that's why ironworkers are exempt from fall protection regulations in some situations in some jurisdictions. When the regulations were first put in place there was a spike in incidents because lines were getting snagged, and an option was given to connectors (who usually had nothing reasonable to tie to anyway) to decide whether or not to tie off. The exemptions don't exist in Ontario, but they're not uncommon in the States.
So work at Aura will not take place on Friday so that all of Verdi Alliance's work force can attend Kevin Raposo's funeral.

A friend and I stopped for a while tonight and stared up at Aura and the College Park Apartments. We don't get how Raposo could have fallen so far from Aura… it simply seems to defy the laws of physics unless maybe he was thrown… by the crane? How does that happen? Something crazy bad must have happened up there, and it's beyond me that no talk of some kind of bizarre accident up there is leaking out, not yet anyway.


I was at the site milling about with others after it happened and one of the construction workers did say that it is very windy up there. So that might have been a contributing factor.
There was a passionate complaint about repetitious posting just a few pages ago from...


I myself wouldn't join the complaints about thedeepend. He provides some wonderful entertainment.
Not exactly the same, but kinda like evvabeing in the Rob Ford thread...
I don't think a person could even thrown another person that far. The only thing I can think of is that he was standing on or hanging off the end of the crane. Would there ever be a reason for a worker to do that?

If he fell at a bit of angle, and a distance travelled of 200m are what some sources are saying, it doesnt take much force to travel far from the source of the fall.
If he fell at a bit of angle, and a distance travelled of 200m are what some sources are saying, it doesnt take much force to travel far from the source of the fall.

Falling object don't travel at an angle unless there is a very strong horizontal force being applied to them. If there is only a minor horizontal force, the object would drop straight down, regardless of the height. To land where he did, he had to be tossed or swing off something.

I think this information does provide a possible explanation for why the victim landed so far from the tower. If he got struck by and picked up by a "flying form" it could have carried him some distance away from the tower before he fell.

This is the only explanation that I can think of for the victim landing 200M from the tower.
This is the only explanation that I can think of for the victim landing 200M from the tower.
He didn't fall 200m away - he fell from a near 200m height.

The distance has been reported as 25m, which at around 80 feet, it still too far for a fall that was not assisted by a horizontal force of some kind. You could sprint from the opposite end of the building and make a running jump and still not land 80 feet away. We'll have to wait and see what actually happened, but it's possible his lanyard was pulled by, or attached to something that was lifted away by the crane and failed because the forces were far greater than a fall restraint (simple lanyard) would be designed to protect against.

As for the comparisons of construction deaths vs police - you have to also compare the raw numbers of construction workers vs police as well, and the numbers aren't that close. A LOT of people work in construction and with so many variables (numbers of trades on site, machinery, height), it should be no surprise that more mishaps occur. Safety training and diligence are critical.

For those familiar with the City Center development in Vegas - with over 2,000 trades on site an any given time, working 24 hours over 3 shifts - it shouldn't be much of a surprise that there was major safety issues leading to a walkout, and ultimately 6 people died on that jobsite.
