Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

what materials should buidings be using.. im kinda confused as what you all means by buildings using crap materials.. what is considered to be good materials to you guys? gold plating?

No; the curtain wall glass on this would be considered nice glass. In fact, many people consider window wall to be okay when it's done well (look at The MET, Burano, etc.). But this messiness with the silver frames and the heavy use of spandrel is very disappointing when it's done on the scale of the Aura Tower.

It's not a case of "for some people nothing is good enough" as Automation Gallery often says. It's that THIS is not good enough.

There are plenty of projects on UT that many of us tough critics are extremely pleased with. This project, for many of us, isn't one of them. So please don't give us that "nothing is ever good enough" B.S. please and thanks. That's a petty way to shut down constructive criticisms and discussion, and you know it.
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From a design perspective Aura ranks near the top design wise right there with the New York and Chicago stuff.

Beg to differ. Having just looked up comparable, purely residential projects in Chicago of a similar scale - i.e. Legacy at Millennium Park, One Museum Park and 340 on the Park, I can report back that all of them appeared to have a) superior design and b) superior materials. And as SPIRE said, it's not even the use of window walls per se that is an issue - there are projects in Toronto that have used it to great aesthetic effect - it is how the material incorporated into the design, above and beyond the problems with the overall design. As it stand right now - the building strikes a dissonant chord. Even the podium, which is relatively inoffensive as things go, is a wasted opportunity - herein lies the chance to really set up a dialogue with the original Eaton College Park building - and the emphasis on vertical lines the former carries can be used in the design to carry on the cadence of the Yonge streetwall. Instead the design decision was made to use horizontal banding - which I am sure you all know only helps to widen the horizontal - and this podium isn't exactly svelte to begin with.

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personally i think aura over all when completed the over all contrasts between the window wall and the curtain wall will look stunning. i so feel like they could have skipped the plaid pattern but i think i will really show off the curved upper half nicely in its darkblue tinting. i am a tad worried for the balconies. but still overall i gotta say as the only fan of aura. i think itll be a looker and one of the best looking buildings itoronto... but its completetion will proove me right or wrong. sorry guys for the question of quality vs crap. but had to ask. as the crap quality comments always come up ievy thread on the forums.
I don't know how people can use words like "impressive," "amazing," and "stunning" to describe this. When you see it in person the effect is so obviously and overwhelmingly . . . I'll use the polite word here: "thrifty."
I was in New York recently and, while looking at Gehry's 8 Spruce Street from the Brooklyn Bridge, I was thinking "Aura's going to be even taller than that. Impressive!"

That comparison tells me: Size matters not at all, if the architecture's not there. Who here wouldn't trade Aura for "T.O. by Gehry"?
well i have seen it in person.. gotta learn to see past whats there now, all the construction crap and if u have ever seen the model of this building in its show room youd see its going to be AWSOMELY AMAZING. lol hahaha! trying to stay positive on this one as trump kinda disapointed me. the building is ok for me but the fact that it is not at the hieght it was supose to be makes it look very strange now and out of place. but like it and appreciate it for what it is. and what it adds to the city as a whole. its undfortunet for the trump building now with its best side soon to be blocked by the two being planned around there as well as BA2 othe other side of it. missed opportuneties all around for trump. but again still enjoy its character. and lighting
Sorry, we've seen past what's there now for Trump too, and came to the same conclusion - only this is worse. BTW, you are breaking up.

Mississauga Slim:

I don't know how people can use words like "impressive," "amazing," and "stunning" to describe this.

Reverse "reality distortion field"?

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I was in New York recently and, while looking at Gehry's 8 Spruce Street from the Brooklyn Bridge, I was thinking "Aura's going to be even taller than that. Impressive!"

i agree, NY by gehry looks even taller/better up close. And looks crazy tall since it's immediate area is pretty low-lying, even though it's in Lower Manhattan,

looks AMAZING by City hall. freakishly tall.

and ya, Aura will be slightly taller, though Beekmans overall roof height is slightly taller i believe.
Can someone do a render of the Toronto skyline from different angles once this project is finished. Will you even notice it from the lakeshore view (taken from the island) or will this be something you only notice from the north looking south? I imagine since this thing will be 900 ft high, it will stand out from a long distance. I can't believe it still has over 50 stories to go. That is mind boggling!
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Was looking at wikipedia and was amazed at how many high rise residential towers are planned for Mumbai. It's surprising that there aren't more buildings in the US (NY, Chicago) on that list, which is dominated by Dubai.

wikipedia: List of tallest residential buildings in the world

Ehh, take that with a grain of salt. North America typically builds buildings that will be occupied 3 years after they're completed..
Reverse "reality distortion field"?


and Reverse RDF leads to Orwellian conclusions

A pool was never planned or described in Canderel's marketing material… (not mentioned on their website either)

I would classify this as false info. :confused:

Earlier, when UT had first reported that Canderel is planning to/has applied for variance to add 3 additional floors, 'rumour' was denied by none other than vice-president, Marketing -- Mr. Riz Dhanji.

Perhaps, someone with contacts with the 'insiders' could look into this.
