Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

Thanks for the pictures Jasonzed.

It seems that digging has gone down as much as needed. Is that so? Any thoughts by any one?
Thanks for the pictures Jasonzed.

It seems that digging has gone down as much as needed. Is that so? Any thoughts by any one?

I was thinking the same as they seem to have flattened out the ground on the north-east area of the site. or are we not at the bottom yet?. is it normal to flatten out the ground like that during the excavation process?

It looks about 4 floors down though...
Had walked by AURA site during lunch time. Spoke to someone with a hard hat standing there.

His take was that it is supposed to be 6 level below. Site has been dug up to level 4 so far. 2 levels to go. He could not tell as to why North East corner has been made flat. I saw dirt being hauled from South East corner.
Had walked by AURA site during lunch time. Spoke to someone with a hard hat standing there.

His take was that it is supposed to be 6 level below. Site has been dug up to level 4 so far. 2 levels to go. He could not tell as to why North East corner has been made flat. I saw dirt being hauled from South East corner.

I'm no expert in construction but is it possible that a portion of the building/site will be deeper than the other?. for instance the tower portion will go 4 floors down and the podium 6. (random example)?
I'm no expert in construction but is it possible that a portion of the building/site will be deeper than the other?. for instance the tower portion will go 4 floors down and the podium 6. (random example)?

You could be correct. I recall reading somewhere that podium will have 200+ parking spots. Most likely, parking for podium will be separate from parking for the tower portion.

currently, parking area for RoCP1 and RoCP2 is separate from public parking.
Three walk by shots with the phone on the way to work. Not much change at this point



How much deeper is this parking lot going?!


To be honest guys, comments like "x posts above" aren't exactly that great. if you're gonna post something like that, you might as well just post the answer since you're making the effort say somethin anyway... just sayin ya know. since i'm/you're posting... all it takes is the click of a key :D! as seen here!!! :)

i love the scale of this project! when looking at geekaroo's first pic, you can see how small the worker(s) is/are compared to the pit! the temporary ramp does look really awkward if you ask me, i would have like a "totally unobstructed" view of the pit but the ramp is there for functionality so it has a real purpose. lookin good :D
^ I'm on your side Steveve.


With all the height increases recently, I'm surprised there haven't been rumblings about Aura hitting 85 floors. I have a feeling that shoe will drop any time now.
^ I'm on your side Steveve.


With all the height increases recently, I'm surprised there haven't been rumblings about Aura hitting 85 floors. I have a feeling that shoe will drop any time now.

It took over a year for the current project to arrange financing. An additional 10 floors would be a costly endeavour and I'm not sure Canderel has the appetite to re-open that process to find additional partners and satisfy all the other partners currently involved. Certainly a very very difficult (but not impossible) process.
