Toronto Art Shoppe Condos | 98.75m | 28s | Freed | a—A

Turned out great thanks to aA and Freed quality material and design combination. Personally though I find the proportions a bit odd. The tower appears very thick to my eye. Either the podium is a bit too tall or the tower is a bit too short.
podium is too tall and the cladding on the outsides of the balconies make the tower feel much larger than it actually is. The architecture here is great, but the built form is more or less exactly what the Tall building guidelines try to prevent.
And unless someone thinks every last single new project should have the same tower massing as Harbour Plaza, that’s something to celebrate.
podium is too tall and the cladding on the outsides of the balconies make the tower feel much larger than it actually is. The architecture here is great, but the built form is more or less exactly what the Tall building guidelines try to prevent.

Except not everyone agrees with those guidelines. It speaks to one design preference over another. I love the podium massing but feel the tower is stepped back way too far. Overall I'm thankful to finally get a building with massing I like. It's a rarity in Toronto due to those guidelines but crumbs are better than nothing at all.

Hopefully that red brick block directly to the south get similar massing but this time with the tower closer to Yonge. Red brick like Selby would be nice.
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Except not everyone agrees with those guidelines. It speaks to one design preference over another. I love the podium massing but feel the tower is stepped back way too far. Overall I'm thankful to finally get a building with massing I like. It's a rarity in Toronto due to those guidelines but crumbs are better than nothing at all.

The tall building guidelines don't speak "to one design preference over another," i.e., they're not random guidelines plucked out of thin air, based merely on notions of taste. They're not designed to deliver a building that "finally" gets you "massing I like." Even if you disagree with them, the guidelines are based on rational design principles with the goal of creating a legible built environment.
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The podium is way too tall and wide and its massing needs to be broken up. The reality is when this was proposed there were 2 thirty-something towers and was supposed to go to the OMB but mediation reduced it down to one tower and the podium. I think this outcome is much better as it helps preserve the midrise character of yonge street south of soudan
Saw this building driving down yonge the other day. Definitely an eye catcher. I find the boxes detailing challenging, and would’ve liked a lower podium facing yonge.
Any building driving down Yonge would be an eye-catcher.

