Mississauga Absolute World | 169.77m | 56s | Cityzen | MAD architects

Every time I drive past this intersection I put up the sun visor and stare at them. Some day I am going to get into an accident.
They look so unreal at sunset.
(sorry for the reflections, I took this from inside the car)

2012-06-07 21.06.27.jpg


  • 2012-06-07 21.06.27.jpg
    2012-06-07 21.06.27.jpg
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Canada's "Marilyn" named best tall buildings
A pair of curvaceous Canadian towers dubbed the "Marilyn Monroe," an Australian skyscraper that breathes, an Italian building that evokes Milan's Galleria, and a cylindrical tower in Qatar whose skin evokes Islamic decoration were named on Wednesday the best new tall buildings in the world.

The Chicago-based Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (www.ctbuh.org), a group of architects and structural engineers that monitors tall building projects around the world, said there had been a "renaissance" in skyscraper development. A record 88 towers taller than 200 metres were completed in 2011 - compared to 32 such projects in 2005.

Another 96 tall buildings are projected to be completed this year, with China the leading builder.

This year's winners of the group's "Best Tall Buildings" "display remarkable creativity, as well as a respect for the environment, connection with place, and the urban surroundings," said architect Richard Cook, who chaired an awards committee that chose among 78 entries.

The soon-to-be completed Absolute Towers, a 56-story residential project in Mississauga, a fast-growing suburb of Toronto, has been dubbed the "Marilyn Monroe" after the late actress' legendary curves. "We see the entire building twisting to achieve the organic form, creating a beautiful new landmark for a developing urban area," engineer David Scott said in a statement


Canada’s curvy ‘Marilyn Monroe’ among award-winning skyscrapers
A pair of curvaceous Canadian towers dubbed the “Marilyn Monroe,†an Australian skyscraper that breathes, an Italian building that evokes Milan’s Galleria, and a cylindrical tower in Qatar whose skin evokes Islamic decoration were named on Wednesday the best new tall buildings in the world.
"best new tall buildings in the world"? Congrats to Fernbrook/Cityzen, Yansong Ma, to everyone who bought here, and to the City of Mississauga!
Yes, it's time to pop those bottle caps and some night-time lighting would be a good thing, considering these are the best new skyscrapers in the WORLD!
"Marilyn" was just recognized as one of the world's best buildings and the first thing you guys do is complain about this and that.
I wouldn't mind the white caps, if they were lit at night.

How about if they had used glass instead of spandrel around the bottle caps so you could see into the mechanicals (a la Matrix at CityPlace) and lit it up from inside? BAD ASS.
"best new tall buildings in the world"? Congrats to Fernbrook/Cityzen, Yansong Ma, to everyone who bought here, and to the City of Mississauga!

I Agree 100%. Note that the committee indicated it was in contrast to the other "boxy buildings in the area". Maybe UT could send a request to all the developers for their comments on this designation and ask what new designs or alterations to buildings they might be coming up with to improve the architecture for Toronto.
...yet they remain at a faceless intersection in a suburb of Toronto. At the intersection of, from what I can remember, a six lane road with another six lane road. A real shame about the location. You'll even notice in the article they say they don't consider location. Shows you the difference between real estate agents and architects, I suppose. It's everything to one and nothing to the other. As much a I wouldn't trust a real estate agent, the architects got it wrong this time.
...yet they remain at a faceless intersection in a suburb of Toronto. At the intersection of, from what I can remember, a six lane road with another six lane road. A real shame about the location. You'll even notice in the article they say they don't consider location. Shows you the difference between real estate agents and architects, I suppose. It's everything to one and nothing to the other. As much a I wouldn't trust a real estate agent, the architects got it wrong this time.

That has to be the most illogical statement I have ever read. That location is home to thousands of people who CHOOSE to live there. Just because it doesn't meet your needs, doesn't mean it is a bad location. People chose to live there even before these two towers were planned or built, so it has something going for it. There is absolutely no reason why location should have anything to do with architecture. I understand context and trying to fit in, but something different every now and then is a good thing.

They designed a world class building for a site where they would truly shine. The buildings not only look pretty, but they serve their purpose as residences (And sold out in record time too). They also managed to create an instant landmark, and a sense of pride amongst the people of Mississauga. I'd say the architects got it right this time, as the building does way more than be a building for the City of Mississauga. This quality is what truly makes them landmarks.
