Mississauga Absolute World | 169.77m | 56s | Cityzen | MAD architects

What a fantastic shot! yyzer: are you the same yyzer at SSP?


Hi 42, yes that's me.....but the pic is not mine - as noted on my post on SSP, it was originally posted by Elkhanan1 on SSC, it is from flickr, not sure if it was shot by Elkhanan1 or someone else entirely.......
Thanks for the clarification!

as mentioned earilier, they have attached some kind of ribbing or foundation for what may end up being cladding on the undersides of a couple of balconies on the lower floors...my pic is not so great, hopefully you can still make it out - underside of the balconies, close to the building structure....can't remember seeing this anywhere else....

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and here's a few more pics taken in the gloom today......



Well I guess we know why the undersides haven't been painted. Interesting development. I really can't wait to see how this is going to look.
I miss living beside the towers and watching them go up every day.
They're great city-builders. If only every major builder showed a similar interest in contributing outstanding architecture to the city.

If only half of the developers would show similar interest with bold and interesting architecture things would heat up around here real quick
Nice pics...Amazing buildings, these guys Cityzen are the real deal when it comes to building some of the nicest designs in town....Absolute, L-Tower, Pier 27, Wow :cool:

I never heard of a development called Wow before. The forum search engine doesn't allow me to search that name. Any links?
I remember when this "WOW" site sold last year.

I am doing two projects within 2 minute walking distance of this and I am going to be skeptical on the outcome of this project. The multi Colors doesn't do it for me and I am curious to see how sales pervail.

Also I think that should get nominated for WORST WEBSITE EVER - looks like a 7 year old dyslexic kid designed it with the wav-vy lettering.

On ABSOLUTE - project is turning out great!
Wow is right; had that been posted April 1st, no-one would have believed it... but back to the real wow, Absolute World please!

