Mississauga Absolute World | 169.77m | 56s | Cityzen | MAD architects

Thanks guys.

Oh and by the way, it doesn't need to be downtown. It's just fine where it is. Not all ugly architecture needs to be outside the 416.
Judging from the photos, I tend to agree with Traynor ... I think the balcony glass is sort of grey tinted ... blue is only coming through reflection of the sky ... nonetheless its very nice ~ (Cityzen just paint those balconies!)

great shots khris ... you have captured a very impressive angle with this one:

drum or Khris - next time you're down there taking photos, walk a short way down Burnhamthorpe along the north side... maybe even to the next set of lights. Try to get a shot of this building's curves in relation to the perfectly vertical lines on the previous Absolute buildings.

I was driving west along B'thorpe the other day and the effect was freaky. The lower floors seems to be about 30' closer to the sidewalk and the upper levels completely disappeared behind the other building at around 25 floors up.
Not entirely sure of which direction you mean? I'm assuming you mean east of the site, looking west, as you were driving west. I could go do that right now. I live right beside this development.
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great shots khris ... you have captured a very impressive angle with this one:

Thank you :) I was walking past the same spot the other day, and looked up. Thought to myself: wow I wish I had my camera with me. So I went back the next day and took this.
That is a really awesome shot of the absolute tower, thank you for that. Are there still balconies to be added that will protrude even further still? I remember reading a lot of the curve effect will come from the balconies.

Edit: I think I answered my own question with your other nice set of shots on page 82, i had missed those.
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So here are a few shots I took on a driving tour the other day. The first shot was an attempt to show the new building disappearing behind the old one, but the effect is nowhere near as dramatic in a 2D picture.
(Click on pics to enlarge)


This next one was from street level along Burnhamthorpe, looking up at the curves which are now quite glaring. When doing this in person, it's almost disorienting due to the shape.


Some other shots from around MCC, for context.




...and lastly, a render looking west from Dixie, showing what sort of impact there will be on the skyline:



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In the render, Widesuites is too tall. It's only got a few more floors to go.
And I think Absolute World will be taller than you showed.

Can't wait to find out :p
Very nice! As the weather heats up, let's hope they paint those balconies! (Although they sorta look cool as is.)

I'm so jealous and I don't care how many times it's been posted already!

The balconies definitely need to be painted. A pet peeve of mine (except where appropriate) to be sure, but this will look so much cleaner with the balconies treated.
Can you see it??
Forming the 34 floor on March 24
drum or Khris - next time you're down there taking photos, walk a short way down Burnhamthorpe along the north side... maybe even to the next set of lights. Try to get a shot of this building's curves in relation to the perfectly vertical lines on the previous Absolute buildings.

I was driving west along B'thorpe the other day and the effect was freaky. The lower floors seems to be about 30' closer to the sidewalk and the upper levels completely disappeared behind the other building at around 25 floors up.

Way back not to long ago, I posted a shot like this.
