The are owned by a pension fund so why would they need outside money?
I think it might just give Libeskind a run for his money
Um, no.
Oh ok. Sorry, I hadn't realized that we had members from the future who already know exactly how every building will turn out on this forum. That would be the only logical explanation of how you know *for a fact* that the notion of this building possibly giving the L Tower a worthy rival is absolutely untrue. Thanks for clearing that up, we all appreciate your wisdom.
His preference for L Tower over 88 Scott is likely based on architectural style rather than the execution of that style.
Yes, but my comment was for the final product in both cases. Architectural style is only one factor, and there are many cases of beautiful architecture being completely devastated by poor material choice (ROM, anyone?) and vice versa.
But it's rarely the case that mediocre architecture can be saved solely by materials and attention to detail.
Really? Tell that to aA...
Four seasons is probably the best example of mediocre architecture turning out well with good materials, and heck, almost any aA building. Their designs are in no way cutting edge, but with aA you are going to get at least a half decent building, regardless of the design.
L Tower is turning out to be a very well executed building by an internationally recognized architect. 88 Scott is by a middle of the road Toronto firm. I'm hoping for the best since I will have to look at it every day from work but they just aren't the same league. Don't think there's much more to say than that.