Toronto 865 York Mills | ?m | 38s | Liberty Development | Wayne Long

I've been wondering what is going on with this project as well. Looks like complete trash (this honestly looks like it was designed 25 years ago). Would it kill suburban developers to hire real architects? Who the heck is Wayne Long? He must have went to the Denzil Minnan-Wong School of Architects.
I can't stand seeing so much garbage being built in this city. We're having a once in a life time boom going on and this is the sort of stuff we're producing? This proposal has so much potential to invigorate this mundane stretch of York Mills. What happened to ambition in this city between the 60s/70s and now? We used to produce some of the greatest buildings in the world, now this is par for the course (at least in the suburbs). The worst part is that any local objections to these sorts of proposals never address the architecture, but merely the height/scale and increased traffic.
Building design wise, things are pretty good overall. Gotta understand who are driving this "once in a lifetime" boom and companies like Liberty Developments. What should be of greater concern is the legacy of inflexible, poorly designed, tiny apartments.
That rendering looks unfortunately uninspiring. I shudder to think what this whole block is going to end up looking like in the near future, with that SmartCentre & Walmart planned across the street (at Lesmill).
The build it and they will come approach rarely works for office. Don't see much of a plus here. They'll just sit vacant like dozens of other commercial condos in the city.
@Art Tsai this one needs a pin on the map.

I'm not sure what classification to give it; as @G.L.17 noted a refusal report........the AIC shows the OPA as 'Under Review'...........

But it looks like something may be stirring here.
