Developer: Tawse Realco Inc.
Address: 86 John Street, Toronto
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 141 ft / 42.97 mStoreys: 10 storeys
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Toronto 86 John Street | 42.97m | 10s | Tawse | Sweeny &Co

From my understanding, this project is expected to be rentals so they likely won't need a sales office. But a patio or some sort of temporary platformed gathering space could make sense, if things gradually improve by the time summer comes around of course. Tawse is in the winery business among other things, and does have a part in the entertainment/culinary industry as he owns the Paradise Theatre on Bloor along with the attached restaurant and bar.
Another year of meanwhile use. It will be intersting to see if people start using the alley to the south more with so much development on Widmer.
Forget design approvals- someone needs to prove aaany sort of viability for this site
