Toronto 8 Chichester Place | ?m | 20s | Remington Group | BDP Quadrangle

Will they get Bo Derek for the groundbreaking? Or, if it has commie block stylings, they can get Nadia Comaneci.

Is there a rendering yet? Anything that fills in [towers-in-the-]parkland right next to a future subway stop is good.
Good thing that numbers for rating things don't really stop at ten.
I hate to see what happens if it went to eleven...
The City just assigned the address of 8 Chichester Place to this building, so that bodes well for sales.

Crazy that they don't know their own market up there.

I hate it when they launch a site without renders.

There is a billboard on the site that has a rendering. I've only gone by on the bus so I haven't gotten a good look. From the glances I've gotten, it seems ok. Blue glass, decent massing. I can take a picture this weekend (and learn how to post them)
There is a billboard on the site that has a rendering. I've only gone by on the bus so I haven't gotten a good look. From the glances I've gotten, it seems ok. Blue glass, decent massing. I can take a picture this weekend (and learn how to post them)

Go to
Click browse. Fine your picture. Resize to 800x600. Click host it.
Take the link at the very bottom. You'll see a link with code you can copy and paste for forums. Copy it, and paste it in this topic as a reply. Ta-da!


another angle (2 pine trees and the other trees at the corner of the intersection will be cut down, permits applied for, 13 total to be removed)
