Developer: Harhay Developments, Carttera Private Equities
Address: 75 The Esplanade, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2022
Height: 328 ft / 99.97 mStoreys: 29 storeys
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Toronto 75 on The Esplanade | 99.97m | 29s | Harhay | a—A

Not quite sure what you mean by "it's not the backstage pool".

In that last picture, they're laying the floor for level 2 & that's the actual outdoor pool, unless you mean that it doesn't compare to the Backstage condo pool?

Not quite sure what you mean by "it's not the backstage pool".

In that last picture, they're laying the floor for level 2 & that's the actual outdoor pool, unless you mean that it doesn't compare to the Backstage condo pool?

View attachment 222359
Sorry. Correct. It’s not the Backstage condo 25?+m lap pool next door by comparison.

Picture from Sept 2018. Although no one is swimming laps. Go figure.
A couple of updates:

1. New pictures from Harhay's Twitter:

2. Page 3 of the staging area report below also has further information on the timeline:

- Excavation and shoring phase: September 2018 to December 2018;
- Concrete work phase: December 2018 to July 2020;
- Building envelope phase: April 2020 to October 2020; and
- Interior finishes phase: August 2019 to August 2020

3. Also, according to an update from the builder, they expect the complete the building structure up to the 29th floor later this year. Over the next several months, they hope to obtain the permanent electrical power supply to the building, continue to install mechanical & electrical components & begin window installation in late spring.
