Developer: MOD Developments Inc.
Address: 55 Charles St East, Toronto
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental, Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2024
Height: 548 ft / 167.00 mStoreys: 50 storeys
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Toronto 55C: 55 Charles Condos | 167m | 50s | MOD Developments | a—A

Wow this is aA? Such a random, aimless mish-mash. I'd have guessed P+S. Definitely a big disappointment considering MOD's previous projects.
Just when I thought aA buildings couldn't get less appealing they lower the bar ....AGAIN.
There are some very 1960s motifs going on here. But it needs to be clarified a lot, for sure.
I like this design. The strong black lines give a nice sense of height. The 2 tone balcony glass and staggered pattern give some texture. The podium looks like it will fit in well with the Casa podium. Overall I think its simple and elegant.
The mech roof is 178.25, but the decorative scrim wall extends another 2 metres above that. Call it the "spire" height.


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Rezoning resubmission and associated docs are now public and there are a number of changes:

• Height reduced from 55 storeys to 48 storeys (178.25 metres to 159.35 metres)
• Complete redesign results in new 915-square-metre floor plate.
• Balcony projections eliminated into the three metre setback from Charles.
• Podium stepback for the 5th and 6th storeys facing Charles.
• Minimum of 18% two-bedroom units and 11% three-bedroom units.
• Increased amenity space; 2.3 square metres per unit indoors and 3.6 square metres per unit outdoors.

