Appealed to the OMB based on the City's failure to render a decision within the prescribed time.
City Council, at the July 2016 meeting, voted to oppose this at the OMB. Essentially the developer is looking for 12 storeys on a street that the City sees as an Avenue, something which might support 8 storeys or so. From the Conclusion in the Final Report:
City Council, at the July 2016 meeting, voted to oppose this at the OMB. Essentially the developer is looking for 12 storeys on a street that the City sees as an Avenue, something which might support 8 storeys or so. From the Conclusion in the Final Report:
The current proposed setbacks, grading, height, massing and transition are not appropriate. The proposed built form does not adequately address the existing and planned context and does not provide an appropriate relationship to Bathurst Street, Glencairn Avenue or to the adjacent Neighbourhoods designation to the east. The proposal represents an over development of the site and is not consistent with the Official Plan. The proposed redesignation of the Neighbourhoods portion of the site to Mixed Use Areas is not supported by Planning Staff.