Toronto 45 The Esplanade | 130.85m | 39s | Republic | Arcadis

I think he's probably guessed correctly.

We know this site is 2 towers

We know it's 36s and those renders are certainly close to that.

We can see massing of 2 tall buildings to either side that doesn't seem inconsistent w/what's there now.

I believe this site is a partnership w/the hotel group ( I could stand to be corrected ) so replacement rooms makes sense.

Could be something else, somewhere else, of course..........

We shall soon see!
THANK GOD !! I seen the rendering with the two towers next to these two proposals too. They don't look like the two towers built beside this new proposal. But where is new rendering location at?
Dare I say that this Postmodern building is worthy of preservation? It forms one of the most pleasant streetscapes in the city and is a highlight of its era.

It's one of those buildings many will regret losing in a few decades. It also had a beautiful interior as a hotel. It arguably deserves heritage status.
Dare I say that this Postmodern building is worthy of preservation?
One has to also wonder, at least from a carbon perspective, if this is an appropriate way to intensify. The existing building isn't exactly small. I honestly don't know anything about that sort of thing, just a gut reaction.
One has to also wonder, at least from a carbon perspective, if this is an appropriate way to intensify. The existing building isn't exactly small. I honestly don't know anything about that sort of thing, just a gut reaction.

It's generally better for the environment to adapt and reuse old buildings.
To quote Carl Elefante, "the greenest building is the one that is already built". I believe the ease and speed that we're demolishing buildings will be looked back upon unfavourably, but the need for housing is used to justify tearing down just about anything these days.
In reality, the reason larger, more solid buildings such as this one are 'at risk' is because we're not allowed to touch the infinitely more disposable, wood-framed, single family detached houses across the City. The environmental implications of this are and will continue to be huge.
Documents have been downloaded to City Development Application page.

I have an unobstructed view of the lane still. :)



Edit: Added one more picture

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Well that was anti-climatic. Why do I feel like the Gold accents will be the first thing stripped out of this very shortly and this will just become 2 good old regular generic boxes?

In any case i'll reserve full judgement until more renders are released (especially with the grade level).

Edit: @Northern Light posted some additional renders so i'll expand. Ground level looks pretty unique with the waved canopy treatment so i'll give full credit for that, and they are at least attempting to breakup the large expanse of glass that we usually see in Toronto developments. However, i'm not sure what's up with that grey brick protruding from the podium. It needs to go, just make it uniform all the way through.

Regarding the towers themselves; while i do really like the balcony treatment, the overall tower design is lackluster especially considering the fact that i'm 95% sure the gold accents will be removed later on. Considering that, it looks like the towers themselves will be pretty dull and the only redeeming feature will be the balcony treatment.

It's really unfortunate the colonade wasn't retained as well.
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It may be a harsh way of putting it, as I'm really appreciative of the developer actually interacting in the thread, but that solid wall of glass on the ground level replacing the current nice arched overhang feels like a slap across the face.

Like there is some hint of design in those plans, but it still feels like it's not fitting it's context especially as the Esplanade is unique for this specifically.

This would be good otherwise, not for this site though.
It may be a harsh way of putting it, as I'm really appreciative of the developer actually interacting in the thread, but that solid wall of glass on the ground level replacing the current nice arched overhang feels like a slap across the face.

Like there is some hint of design in those plans, but it still feels like it's not fitting it's context especially as the Esplanade is unique for this specifically.

This would be good otherwise, not for this site though.
Couldn’t have said it better. This part of the esplanade has a very distinct feel and the ground level treatment of this building feels hugely sterilizing. Very little character and playfulness. I guess the wavy canopy is nice in a novel sort of way 😔.
