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Ontario Building Code
Essentially, although it's the distance from the building face to the property line (and middle of a public ROW where it's facing a street) as opposed to a neighbouring building face. There are ways around it via sprinklering, fire glass, etc., but I'm not as clear on these. I believe it's still fairly strict and cost-prohibitive.
"The proposal, as submitted, is not supportable by Planning Staff."
From Cressy at committee today, who's on a real anti-development binge at the moment; using Jennifer Pagliaro's transcript published on her Twitter feed:
"I'm going to editorialize briefly. This is on Wellington St. It is 23 storeys. It involves relocating an existing heritage building. This is a Brad Lamb special. There was no pre-application meeting. In fact, when they met with staff after putting in an application, they said to our city staff, 'Take it or leave it. We're going to the board.' When they went to meet with residents just yesterday, they said to the residents, 'Take it or leave it, we'll see you at the board.'"
The OMB Review consultation tonight is not about this project, and my comment regarding it was not directed at the local neighbourhood association. The consultation is drawing people from across the city to talk about the way the OMB operates as a whole. I expect that it will be run as table discussion, so I assume that it won't be coopted by just one group. I am hoping, because of its set-up, that it will be a mostly informed discussion, but I am afraid, nevertheless, that there will be a lot of knee-jerk NIMBYism on display. I don't think that kind of thing helps the cause of others who oppose the current set-up, but who want a more measured response than "dump the OMB!"The local neighbourhood association is hardly a pack of NIMBY's by any stretch.
Let's not assume this is a truthful accounting of Brad Lamb's words. Is there any reason why Lamb might act this way? Is the City acting unreasonable? I'd like more info before I take a side. (Although this is the internet, so perhaps I should just take a side and get angry...)