Toronto 3C Waterfront | ?m | ?s | 3C Lakeshore | Foster + Partners

Those buildings seem ridiculously tall for the area, the tallest one is more than twice the height of the distillery buildings.
Looks to be easily 700+ft
some more images from the link:





I love how well-considered the public spaces are, and how it ties into the Distillery District. The application of red brick, the tunnel, the fountain, the landscaping, and WHISKEY BEACH to complement Sugar Beach and the hTo Park.

This also made my day.
all I can say is that cityzen delivers once again, and reinforces to me that they are the best developers in this city. If it ever comes time for me to purchase a condo, I will certainly be purchasing from them. Cityzen's list of developments is amazing;

Absolute towers
L Tower
30 Ordinance street
154 front street
pier 27
Sherbourne & Selby
The Shores
I hope that fountain has real water flowing and not just a bubbling pond. I felt let down by The Four Seasons' fountain, so hopefully this will make up for that loss.
How could you not love an "amber-coloured Whisky Fountain. Dousing beach-goers as they cool down..."?

I will have 3, please :p
