Toronto 300 Front Street West | 156.05m | 49s | Tridel | Wallman Architects

300 Front St W Lofts all face south

Lofts with or without balconies all face south toward the park. See floorplate below:

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What are we going to bitch about when all those surface parking lots disappear??

Do we talk about what buildings should come down that are too short today???

given the fact that sarcasm is lost in the dialogue of digital text, i will respond thusly! comparing short buildings (which are fine in their own right, aesthetically and architecturally) to parking lots is a stretch. parking lots are not attractive, do no engage pedestrians, benefit only the owners, etc... moreover, many of the parking lots downtown were once "historic" architecture. maybe the primary root of my ennui lies in the fact that many "short" beautiful buildings are torn down for development while the city still has an abundance of vacant lots.

indeed, when all the parking lots are gone, i'll certainly have less to bitch about. but i can still nitpick about developers' cuts, the lack of trees and other trvial things.
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I just noticed the "Urban Resort" on top of the 15th floor. Urban Resort? Isn't that at least slightly hilarious? I believe we used to call that "a pool."

In fairness, I've spent some time at the "urban resort" atop Tridel's Verve, and it's lovely. Really, really nice, and a huge boon in summer. All the same...!
There's a lot of pages in this thread so I'm not sure if this has been posted before or not.

Here's the park from Claude Cormier's website
how did they get approval with cbc across the street? been waiting for something at this site for a long time
I just noticed the "Urban Resort" on top of the 15th floor. Urban Resort? Isn't that at least slightly hilarious? I believe we used to call that "a pool."

In fairness, I've spent some time at the "urban resort" atop Tridel's Verve, and it's lovely. Really, really nice, and a huge boon in summer. All the same...!

Verve was the first place we used "Urban Resort" in Tridel's sales and marketing material. We decided to use it again for 300 because there is more than just a pool on the 15th floor. There is the towel service, roman fountain, whirlpool, BBQ and cabana lounges. The summer parties we hear about from employees who purchased at Verve, purchasers and community blogs all indicate this will be very popular with 300 Front St W residents as well.

Has Tridel trademarked that term?

And with Zynga Poker via fb, what's the use of a real poker room these days?

Finally, knowing how 550 Wellington, 455 Adelaide changed street addresses upon registration, wouldn't it be hilarious if the city declared this building to be 298 Front St W, thus making the 300 motif outmoded?
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While working next to the site, I can appreciate having the park, being next to the transformer kind of makes me want to pass on this one. Not sure why anyone would want to live next to one.
LOVE the poker room. What a great idea.

I agree. My friends and I are usually booking our party rooms for poker games. However, most condo corps require that all people vacate their shared rooms by 11 or midnight (sometimes you can push it to 1), which is a real drag for poker. I hope 300 residents aren't suckered into a poker room that closes too early.

Thanks for the renders TWM. Although if the 300 motif is what passes for art these days than I'm seriously disapointed. If this is the case I'd rather the city do away with the public art component and replace it with a requirement for higher-quality built materials.
Although if the 300 motif is what passes for art these days than I'm seriously disapointed. If this is the case I'd rather the city do away with the public art component and replace it with a requirement for higher-quality built materials.

To my understanding, the public art has not been commissioned for 300 Front St W yet. The 300 motif of the drive is part of the original design.
WH, no Tridel is not touching the Hydro substation/transformer ... 300 Front's site limit is the property to the south of it ~

these images may help putting it in context (source: Myles Burke Architectural Models)

View from Northwest
I also thought that 300 Front St West was going to cover up the electrical substation. This is news to me. Wasn't it in the plan?
