Toronto 250 Lawrence West | 35.05m | 9s | Graywood | BDP Quadrangle

Some laughable hyperbole and fearmongering happening in the community:


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It's not even 12 storeys anymore either - it's 9 plus MPH
It's not even 12 storeys anymore either - it's 9 plus MPH
To add to the irony, the complex to the south (I'm a resident) that is active in fighting this includes an 8-storey (plus MPH) building directly opposite the 250 Lawrence site. I believe the complex's FSI is still denser than what is being proposed, though I can't find the early 2000s planning docs to confirm this.
So then just an alarming spike in crime rather than an all-out crime spree.
The crime comment was a result of the recent swarming incidents at Yonge and Eg. The police were warming residence that far north to be aware of them. They are just making use of those events, unfortunately.
The crime comment was a result of the recent swarming incidents at Yonge and Eg. The police were warming residence that far north to be aware of them. They are just making use of those events, unfortunately.

There is no circumstance in which "the crime will go up in our neighbourhood", to quote the letter directly, is a reasonable comment.
The NIMBY neighbourhood association rep just knocked on my door with a petition to fight the development.
I talked to the man in the hallway, in hopes that others would hear. He lives in my building, so I kept it respectful, but I took the time to overturn every argument on that petition. When I challenged him saying that the proposal isn't even 12 storeys anymore, he jumped at the chance to minimize losses to his argument by claiming it was 10 storeys. I corrected him and accused him of intentionally using outdated information and baseless facts to fight a development.
Others on my floor signed. It's easier for some to believe the misinformation and not worry about their property values than it is to actually examine the facts and come to the same conclusion: not worrying about your property values.
