Seeing as you're posting in this thread more than anyone else and your tone is no less aggressive than those you're arguing with, a fair question would be why do pro-Olympic comments get some people so upset?[
I figured this question would come up without anyone trying to answer the first. For one thing, I've kept my composure here better than many, e.g. I haven't called anyone deranged or an a**hole. So I DO think my tone has been far less aggressive. Maybe on this forum aggressive = not backing down and supporting claims with evidence and research.
For another, I think by now I've made it quite clear why people oppose the Olympics: in a nutshell - the costs, the development hassle, the legacies that never come. The people who actually live in East London have made it very clear how disruptive the games have been for them. Something like 450 people were kicked out of their homes, 250 businessnes were re-located, park space was lost or closed off, and so on.
Maybe it's a question of empathy. It's pretty cold, imposing impacts like that on people (who usually don't have a lot to begin with) just for a big sports party. Maybe empathy has no place on this forum.
Like nfitz, I haven't bothered to read through the endless pages of bickering. But context or not, accusations of hyperbole while throwing around Nazi references is a little hypocritical. And a complete red herring.[
It would help a lot if you actually read what people are actually writing. Then you would know that
FNTS made the accusation of hyperbole. I countered it with other examples of hyperbole, one of which happens to involve the Nazis. That's not hypocrisy. That's debate.
I think it's hypocritical that you call out the Nazi thing (actually everyone here is making a bigger deal of it than I ever did) and accuse ME of hyberbole, but you don't call out the insults. Hello - calling someone an a**hole, you're OK with that? That's not hyberbole?
BTW, it's not a red herring if it's factually, historically accurate, which the Nazi thing is.
EDIT: Reflecting on your comment, so "context or not", one shouldn't mention the Nazis? Like, ever? Say we're discussing anti-smoking campaigns, and I mention that the Nazis were the first do one, is that a red herring? Is it hyperbolic? Or does it depend on your views on smoking?