Developer: Amdev Property, Rockport Group
Architect: Montgomery Sisam Architects
Address: 19 Alexandra, Toronto
Category: Residential (Seniors Home, Affordable Rental, Market-Rate Rental)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 183 ft / 55.85 mStoreys: 13 storeys
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Toronto 19 Alexandra | 55.85m | 13s | Amdev | Montgomery Sisam

The addresses involved in that application confirms that the 3-storey brick building mid-block will also be part of the redevelopment:

Studio JCI


I dunno.

Taken on their own, I like the arches.

But here, I feel like the conflict w/the rest o the design.

I'm feeling like there's a semi-modernist vibe with odd inflection of deco going on.

Maybe I'm being unfair, I've seen far worse.

Still I wonder if squaring off the arches might be better.
Yeah, the sum of its parts doesn't work here for me either. Studio JCI have designed some great work, but this one misses the mark IMO. Looks a bit too mausoleum-ish to me.
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On an empty lot, i would be more or less okay with this but my standards are automatically set higher given the two older and more charming buildings that are being demolished to make way.

The street level needs some reworking and i'd opt for a warmer colour palette than the white brick which make it appear cold and monolithic. Some setbacks would be nice too.
Some other rendering views from Studio JCI's website. 127 units are being planned, including 31 apartment replacement units from the existing building mid-block.

The Alexandra Gates are to be restored and rebuilt along at both sides of the street corner. There's also going to be an expansion to the adjacent Snider Parkette through a parkland dedication.

