Toronto 180 Sheppard Avenue East | 25.3m | 6s | HOK

Some substantial revisions here. All residential units eliminated, overall GFA reduced to 1,190 square metres from 2,462 square metres, now three storeys:

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original design should be kept and updated to modern art deco style building it was with addons and upgrades why does this neighborhood need another ugly glass building. Haven't we lost enough charm with all bungalows being gobbled up by nonsensical ugly touwnhomes ill affordable by anyone why they have been sitting vacant since built for 2 years as no one can afford them. nothing wrong with original building just needs a fixup and add on as many floors as you need. as there is a building behind it you can make something else there. Too many of these ugly glass condos in area something original in keeping with style of neighborhood not to please influx of certain people into it. Teeple wouldn't know style and design if it bit them in the arse. If they followed the original art deco design as it was just clean it up could be something more pleasing to snobs who will buy them instead of cold origami style or ugly gov't looking building it changed to look like. Do any developers care about the heritage of this building? lost so many character buildings in this neighborhood and we don't need anymore offices as most in area cannot rent what they have. Style should mean more than money. This style as Dudley court had is a rarity and could be redone in same design and attract many more than all the ugly new condos going up across the street are quite enough. Leave Dudley Court building alone and clean it up and improve on it if you need more units do what others have done add on to the style there and keep the same brick. Does no one in this neighborhood care about style anymore too busy demolishing bungalows to notice this hood is disappearing under glass and ugly gov't buildings?
Some substantial revisions here. All residential units eliminated, overall GFA reduced to 1,190 square metres from 2,462 square metres, now three storeys:

View attachment 186075

ugly as every other gov't building in this hood
Teeple wouldn't know style and design if it bit them in the arse.
This isn't a condo and the current design isn't Teeple.
Also, the city is growing, and there is simply zero justification for us to still have nondescript bungalows on major thoroughfares.
And now not even this.

Application Number:
21 109133 NNY 18 MV
Application Type:
Minor Variance
Date Submitted:
To renovate the interior and reuse the existing building on site to support a day nursery.
