Toronto 160 Front West | 239.87m | 46s | Cadillac Fairview | AS + GG

Saturday night fog and roller skating.

...well, I mean if they want to get to those GO trains in a hurry, why not? I would for the fact I would likely end up head first in a garbage receptacle, body first into a support column or behiney first onto the ground. >.<
...yep, that's real blue sky folks! And no, those pics weren't taken in the waxing days of summer. <3
I have changed the name of the database file (and therefore thread as well) back to 160 Front West. It turns out that TD Terrace is simply a space on the fifth floor (so, podium rooftop). I haven't looked up what prompted the change last year yet, but anyway, the address is back!

EDIT: Just expanding this to say that I'm hearing that internally, TD does call the whole building, not just the fifth floor space, TD Terrace. Owner Cadillac Fairview sees things differently though, 'tis all!

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