Toronto 160 Front West | 239.87m | 46s | Cadillac Fairview | AS + GG

A coffin? I may need some of whatever it is you are smoking to see it.

Oh well, FLW referred to New City Hall as a "tombstone". LOL

But I do concur with his idea that the warehouse should be removed completely from the redevelopment. It is not an interesting heritage is out of context with its Financial District location. Because of the unique intersection where it is located, something far more interesting should be built in this highly prominent spot. Preserving every brick warehouse building for the sole reason it's x-years old is just plain stupid. Historical preservation should be better thought out than the job the City of Toronto has been doing.
Knuckle-dragging and neanderthalic. You've just made my point: you're a snob. I want that building replaced because I don't like the way it looks. That's a valid opinion based on my own preferences. The difference between us is that I'm willing to acknowledge it.

Advocating the destruction of an old building is no less valid a stance than advocating its preservation, regardless of the snobbish opinions of some people here.

It is sort of silly to come onto a board that partially originated out of heritage concerns and get upset when people don't like your anti-heritage views. It's a bit like going to the symphony in torn-up blue jeans and a stained shirt - of course people are going to act "snobby" towards you - you didn't take the time to get to know the environment you are entering. This sort of behaviour might be considered the definition of "troll."

And the difference between you and most of the other people on the board is that everyone else on the board is open to the idea of certain older buildings being demolished if we can all agree that they are not worthy of preservation; you only have your opinion on your side. Sure, your opinion is worth something, but it's not worth more than an entire group of people - such as Heritage Toronto - who have spent years examining these issues.
Then again, Heritage Toronto turns a blind eye when Toronto's really good heritage--it's beautiful SFH in Mimico, Avenue Rd & Eglinton, Bloor West Village etc easily get bulldozed for hideous mcmansion crap.

UD: It is not in Heritage Toronto's mandate to advocate saving buildings, rather "to promote a greater appreciation for the city’s rich architectural, cultural, archaeological and natural heritage."


Back on topic, perhaps the city felt there was a shade of gray here, much like the Mirvish-Gehry project. Yes, the building is heritage and should be kept, but perhaps because it is not like, say, Union Station, it on some level is okay to compromise.
I believe that people have a right to their opinion - whether some agree with it or not.

IMO saving every old building simply because it is an old building diminishes the purpose of "heritage preservation" idea. There are some incredible buildings that need to be preserved at all cost - but saving a warehouse that has no historical or architectural significance makes a mockery the whole process and ultimately cheapens or reduces the new architecture that would be built there. IMO we should be more selective and more consistent with the buildings we "passionately" preserve.
the two side by side:

Or better, the warehouse could be better incorporated into a more sophisticated design.

But forcing the incorporation of existing buildings into new designs rarely results in anything sophisticated, because it is generally not a sophisticated idea to begin with.
It would be nice if that corner was the lobby which went up the height of the warehouse with the exposed brick visible to the inside along with some highly modern bracing etc. The windows providing the light to the lobby like is was a gutted building. It would lose a lot of usable space but would be a stunning open area. THAT is a good use for an otherwise unremarkable old building.
