Toronto 160 Front West | 239.87m | 46s | Cadillac Fairview | AS + GG

It may be time for some perspective here. Tower cranes are normally provided by the forming contractor on the job. The forming contractor is selected and contracted by the General Contractor, in this case PCL. Insurance - bonding and liability - would be normal. A responsible client would not hire a construction company without having insurance in place.

Without any specific knowledge of the details in this situation, I would expect that the client, Cadillac Fairview, and ultimately OTPP, should not be too exposed. I doubt that CF / OTPP would have tried to save a few dollars by requesting PCL to cut out insurance coverage on this project, and pass the savings on to them.

So unless PCL did something to contribute to this accident happening, responsibility would probably rest with the forming contractor - they would either own or have leased the crane in question, and would have been the ones responsible for its operation. And again, I would expect that they would carry liability insurance for their role in this project.
It's more than an 'expectation', you can't construct without builder's risk and wrap up.
