Toronto 11 YV | 213m | 62s | Metropia | Sweeny &Co

An opinion I don't share.

Half the developers will disappear overnight should the boom come to a screeching halt. It's common in this industry to have a father step down and a son take over regardless of merit. Bazis has built relationships with Metropia and Plaza(corp). That's all it takes for a mom and pop to dream big. (Streetcar with DreamReit; Concert Properties with OMERS, etc.) To summarize, why are you singling out Bazis for something that it common across the industry?

Relationship??? After Bazis lost $30 million on their 1 Bloor East development proposal (never even got shovel in ground!), every condo tower project Bazis does require partners to get the financing. Even though Bazis does all the architecture design work, marketing, and usually sells out before construction,... Bazis still has to partner with other more established developers to get financing, which cuts into profit!

Here's a list of Bazis' projects from EmeraldPark forward (left out previous CrystalBlu and 1BloorEast (failed-force sale of site)):
- EmeraldPark - dual flair-top green towers near Yonge&Sheppard (built with partner Metropia & Plaza)
- Exhibit - messily stacked white cubes across from ROM (built with partner Metropia & Plaza)
- e-condo - black towers with red amenity floors and pool in the sky at Yonge&Eglinton (built with partner Metropia & RioCan)
status: under construction - mid30s forming
- 1 Yorkville - aluminum twisting fin exterior near Yonge&Bloor (built with partner Plaza),.... Hmmm, why is Bazis long time partner Metropia gone??? Metropia usually does some of the developer's Project Management whereas PlazaCorp is usually the silent partner.
status: foundation forming and starting parking level

With each of these projects with different partners, there's a new legal entity formed,.... to protect the developer. Thus, it's harder to go after Bazis when they screw up,.... ask TTC with regards to EmeraldPark TTC entrance! It wasn't built to TTC specification so TTC never accepted it,....

Then add Bazis' nasty habit of redesigning during construction which increase their construction time by about 50% VS other developer,... an increase in cost that cut into profit. Very pronounce at EmeraldPark,... doesn't seem as bad at e-condo or 1 Yorkville so far.

A Mom&Pop operation like Bazis that contract everything out and owns almost nothing is set up to just walk away,.... and one day, they will,....
Please don’t turn this thread into another emerald park thread. We get it. You hate bazis and you have a lot to say about it. You do not need to copy and paste your biased list of all their projects from another thread to this one.
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Please don’t turn this thread into another emerald park thread. We get it. You hate bazis and you have a lot to say about it. You do not need to copy and paste your biased list of all their projects from another thread to this one.

You beat me to it. As soon as I see sunnyraytoronto's name on a post, I know it's very likely going to be another rant about Bazis.
Relationship??? After Bazis lost $30 million on their 1 Bloor East development proposal (never even got shovel in ground!), every condo tower project Bazis does require partners to get the financing. Even though Bazis does all the architecture design work, marketing, and usually sells out before construction,... Bazis still has to partner with other more established developers to get financing, which cuts into profit!

Here's a list of Bazis' projects from EmeraldPark forward (left out previous CrystalBlu and 1BloorEast (failed-force sale of site)):
- EmeraldPark - dual flair-top green towers near Yonge&Sheppard (built with partner Metropia & Plaza)
- Exhibit - messily stacked white cubes across from ROM (built with partner Metropia & Plaza)
- e-condo - black towers with red amenity floors and pool in the sky at Yonge&Eglinton (built with partner Metropia & RioCan)
status: under construction - mid30s forming
- 1 Yorkville - aluminum twisting fin exterior near Yonge&Bloor (built with partner Plaza),.... Hmmm, why is Bazis long time partner Metropia gone??? Metropia usually does some of the developer's Project Management whereas PlazaCorp is usually the silent partner.
status: foundation forming and starting parking level

With each of these projects with different partners, there's a new legal entity formed,.... to protect the developer. Thus, it's harder to go after Bazis when they screw up,.... ask TTC with regards to EmeraldPark TTC entrance! It wasn't built to TTC specification so TTC never accepted it,....

Then add Bazis' nasty habit of redesigning during construction which increase their construction time by about 50% VS other developer,... an increase in cost that cut into profit. Very pronounce at EmeraldPark,... doesn't seem as bad at e-condo or 1 Yorkville so far.

A Mom&Pop operation like Bazis that contract everything out and owns almost nothing is set up to just walk away,.... and one day, they will,....

A lot of projects folded with the sub prime mortgage fiasco. It wasn't Bazis. It was Lehmans that killed it. Also, because of Lehmans shocking bankruptcy, everyone pulled back unlike today where there's always someone readily available to step in if someone else gets cold feet. Bazis obviously couldn't find a replacement for Lehmans.

Once again, there are more developers staged to walk away after the boom ends than developers that are invested in the long term build out of Toronto. Why are you singling out Bazis as if they are the only ones? Design changes are also par for the course in the industry. They keep the CofA busy.
So, I should let everyone know that this site is now controlled by Capital Developments, Metropia, and RioCan.

So, I should let everyone know that this site is now controlled by Capital Developments, Metropia, and RioCan.


According to City property records (usually 1 week lag from MPAC), of the 3 properties for this project:
- 11 Yorkville is owned solely by Metropia
- 18 Cumberland is owned solely by Bazis
- 17 Yorkville is owned by Metropia, RioCan and Bazis.

This original partnership of RioCan, Metropia and Bazis is the same as the partnership for e-condo (under construction now but late) - that's first time RioCan partnered with Bazis.

11 Yorkville is registered to "11 Yorkville Partners Inc" at 2300 Yonge St # 807 (Metropia - yes, this is "RioCan Tower" but #807 is Metropia, go figure!)

18 Cumberland St is registered to "11 Yorkville Partners Inc." at 1700 Langstaff Rd #1003 (Bazis)

Various levels and units at 17 Yorkville are registered to:
- "17 Yorkville Inc." at 700 Lawrence Ave West #315 (RioCan)
- "11 Yorkville Partners Inc." at 2300 Yonge St # 807 (Metropia)
- "11 Yorkville Partners Inc." at 1700 Langstaff Rd #1003 (Bazis)
Note: 700 Lawrence Ave West #315 (RioCan Property Services Inc while Head office at 2300 Yonge #500 "RioCan Tower")



This would confirm Metropia and RioCan involvement with this project. There is no sign of Capital Development currently owning any property here.

This reflect what Bazis has been doing with it's last 2 townhouse projects (Estate On Bayview & Oasis Townhomes on Lawrence),... assembling numerous adjacent lots for project, submit development application to City to up-zone for higher density (single residential to townhouse) and property valuation,.... once granted, Bazis cash-out step aside and let more competent developer with their own architect & builder take over.

This is another nail in Bazis coffin, showing Bazis don't want to miss their one-way donkey ride back to Kazakhstan as soon as their last condo project (1 Yorkville) is completed in about 2 years.


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From RioCan's November 3rd Third Quarter report:

"Development Property Acquisitions and Dispositions"

"Yorkville Project"
  • During the Third Quarter, RioCan and its partner Metropia entered into a 75/25 joint venture and acquired adjacent sites in Toronto's prestigious Yorkville district with plans to develop the site into a mixed-use condominium project with an estimated half a million square feet of potential density. RioCan's purchase price including transaction costs for its 75% interest was $67.5 million. The partners have also entered into a firm purchase agreement, and continue to conduct negotiations, to acquire other adjacent properties for the project, which are expected to close in the first quarter of 2018. Subsequent to the quarter end, RioCan sold a 25% interest in the property to Capital Developments at a sale price of $21.7 million including certain cost recoveries;

Thus, we now have confirmation Capital Development is involved. There's absolutely NO mention of Bazis!

"The partners have also entered into a firm purchase agreement, and continue to conduct negotiations, to acquire other adjacent properties for the project",... does not mention if these adjacent properties are the Bazis solely owned 18 Cumberland Street or Bazis share in 17 Yorkville Ave that I mentioned in my previous post OR it could be "other adjacent properties" making this site much larger!!!

The "estimated half a million square feet of potential density" is interesting in that it's 15% MORE than 1 Yorkville,..... so they'll be targeting to match 1 Yorkville's height,... and likely targeting adjacent properties at 12, 14 & 16 Cumberland St and deal with City to acquire the laneway.
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Since Bazis seem to own 2 sites for this project namely 18 Cumberland Street and part of 17 Yorkville Ave,.... and to clarify why it's best for this project if Bazis isn't involved,....

What Bazis does very well is Rendering and Spectacular Architectural Design by Roy Varacalli (best architect stationed in Toronto!); but their execution is hit and miss! Bazis over-promise and usually under-deliver!

Looking at Bazis projects chronologically:
- CrystalBlu (Bazis' first project in Toronto): Final result looks Nothing like rendering, so bad that people where hammering the "blue crystal" accents on the exterior and Interchange42 posted:
- (Original) 1 Bloor East - Bazis made customers lined up outside for a week but "Just before the office is due to open, the crowd groans as sales staff hike the range of condo prices advertised on a sign outside-$300,000 to $2 million becomes $500,000 to $8 million."
After all the Bazis bravado, without even getting a shovel in the ground, Lehman Brothers bankruptcy and lack of financing "Yes, Bazis has to swallow a hefty multimillion-dollar loss (some estimate it to be in the $30-million range)"

After taking such a large lost; going forward, even though Bazis (Roy Varacalli) does all the design work, marketing-sales (contracted out), development application, etc,.. Bazis require multiple partners to get financing for projects (Metropia generally do some Project Management but PlazaCorp is silent partner); this of course splits whatever profits.

I've been tracking large developments in high growth North York Centre for about 25 years and Bazis is by far the worst developer!
- Emerald Park (Bazis, Metropia, PlazaCorp) - rendering had multiple shades of green glass, delivered glass with dollarama-green wrap! Bazis cut too many corners - poor quality build, TTC subway connection 2 years late and not built to TTC specification to not accepted by TTC, Bazis screwed over Lansing United Church's Section37 CommunityBenefit - Community Centre which will now 3 years after residents moved in, 1/3 to 1/2 of all new pedestrian sidewalk panel needed replacement already, dangerous driveway/loading-dock/condo-lobby design, already had 2 pipe burst flooding mall, poorly design hidden retail mall, 2nd floor retail level is empty with never-open LCBO, practically all city staff I've talked to hate working with Bazis, etc,...

Maestro, while many developer go to Committee Of Adjustment during construction for minor issues,... Bazis couldn't do simple math and found out they had 5 spare feet in EmeraldPark WestTower when they were forming on 8th floor (North York CofA Oct 2013), so they chopped an average of 8" ceiling height above 8 floor to add 2 more floors (condo buyers buy per square feet area, not cubic volume!). Also Bazis redesign during construction, increased their construction time (by about 50%) and cost relative to larger Tridel HullmarkCentre construction (who's north tower delayed 1 year due to subway connection) going on at same time; this delay subsequent Bazis' project since Bazis buy TMG-Builder/contractors in block time and shift them from one project to next.

These unique wonderful architectural design Bazis build are expensive, are buyers willing to pay extra for these? Or are corners cut? With partners sharing profit, high cost due to long construction, Bazis didn't get rich from EmeraldPark.

- Exhibit (Bazis, Metropia, PlazaCorp) - absolutely gorgeous exterior just like rendering! But we really need build quality feedback from buyers (mainly oversea investors for these large units) or tenants.
- e-condo (Bazis, RioCan, Metropia) - under construction - mid-30 forming - decent construction speed - likely completed late 2018
Bazis recently sold out its rental apartment stake to RioCan - Bazis looks to be cashing out!
- 1 Yorkville (Bazis, PlazaCorp) - under construction - 5th floor forming - starting table/flying form stage - likely completed late 2019.

After Bazis last condo development application submission in 2013, when every condo developer and their grandmother building condo, in 2015 Bazis switches over to townhouse! Likely due to shorter timeline to completion allowing Bazis to leave when their last condo project (1 Yorkville) completes.
- Estate On Bayview Townhouse - Bazis assemble land, submit development application to up-zone land for higher density townhouse,... but don't even build,... just cashed-out, sold project to competent developer who'll redesign with their own architect and build with their own builders.
- Oasis Townhomes On Lawrence - Bazis assemble land, submit development application with another architect (not Roy Varacalli who seems to be with Cusimano Architect now) to up-zone land for higher density townhouse,... (no decision from City yet)

Here, it looks like Bazis originally assembled the land,... looks like Bazis still have adjacent land (18 Cumberland & parts of 17 Yorkville Ave) to sell to RioCan, Metropia and Capital (likely silent partner for financing role like PlazaCorp) within next few months,.... maybe Bazis will even be part of development application as land owner only, and once up-zoning approved in about 2 years (same time 1 Yorkville is completed(),.... Bazis will ride off into the sunset back to Kazakhstan.

StJames2QueenWest, as you can see I can always provide plenty of independent unbiased links and proofs to back up my point.
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huh...posting assessments of property owned by others. That seems unethical. Great example of confirmation bias though as well as large chunks of conjecture.
huh...posting assessments of property owned by others. That seems unethical. Great example of confirmation bias though as well as large chunks of conjecture.

Nothing unethical,.... all property assessment are technically public records,... as are development applications and the architectural rendering and images from those development application,.... which get posted on UrbanToronto as well.
Yes, they are public record. It just seems odd to take photos of property assessment details and post that information online. Not illegal, but usually you have to request that information.
