Toronto 11 Bay | 269.45m | 54s | QuadReal | Daoust Lestage

Weird question: That exercise in it to determine the actual shape of what is going to be planned to be built there as shown? Or a place holder for a space that will be filled regardless of its shape (ie. they decide to make it a stacked oval on top of a standard podium in the end - as long as it occupies that space in the respective diagram)?
A zoom-in:

Toronto Model 06-27-20 11 Bay.png
It's really gonna block a large part of my view, but the improvements to the neighbourhood will outweigh that for sure. That bunker of a conference centre adds nothing to street-level vibrancy. Another upside, I'm in a prime spot for construction photo updates!

Given slumping Covid-induced retail sales, I was suprised that The Bay has leased the 11 Bay site (guess they loved the address).


Fake News: courtesy of UT pic and more lame jokes.

P.S. maybe the "great wall of Bloor" could host a mega-LED installation or the world's longest First Nations' mural, while we wait for the planned remake in 2147 A.D.
It's just a massing model, you know
…and that massing model says just what @officedweller is pointing out: that this building is being positioned in a way that doesn't take into any consideration the views from one of the Pinnacle Centre condo towers.

People who live in that building and face south wouldn't be able to stop a building from being built across from them, but it's possible they could ask for their views to be taken into consideration in regard to a redesign that might lessen the impact. That could be tackled at the massing model stage, but would be harder to accomplish later in the process.

…and that massing model says just what @officedweller is pointing out: that this building is being positioned in a way that doesn't take into any consideration the views from one of the Pinnacle Centre condo towers.

People who live in that building and face south wouldn't be able to stop a building from being built across from them, but it's possible they could ask for their views to be taken into consideration in regard to a redesign that might lessen the impact. That could be tackled at the massing model stage, but would be harder to accomplish later in the process.

Sure, but no one is entitled to have an unobstructed view forever
Usually they position buildngs to allow some angled views to the sides.
In this case, they want a large space for the convention centre in the podium, that's why they've offset the tower on the site.
But could the tower have been offset to the south? There's also the adjacent World Trade Centre condos to the east too.
Instead of turning it sideways, could the tower have a side-loaded core to make room in the podium, or be taller to be thinner?
The massing model shows maximum width across the site as close to Pinnacle as possible, which seems excessively inconsiderate.
