Toronto Ïce Condominiums at York Centre | 234.07m | 67s | Lanterra | a—A

I think having a street wall in the area isn't appropriate because the area is so pact and intruding, there's no space to give back to the people to hang out or breath. It might as well be part of the financial core if it was street walled as well. When MLS is occupied, union station entrance opens, Telus and 18 York gets occupied, and Ice commercial tower is built the area will be really busy. I even wonder if it can contain so many people especially during games.

Very good points.
Well you sort-of did. Stating that you must 'keep an open mind' about this development and comparing it to 'suburban' MCC speaks to a mind which is unsatisfied with the density we are getting in Ice. When Seagram went up people couldn't believe that there was a plaza in front - soon after, tower-on-plaza architecture became en vogue and now, with BAC almost completed, we can see that this model is still quite prevalent today. Perhaps a successful Ice could provoke a similar paradigm shift in the way we design 'urban' spaces.

I truly hope it turns out well and will not mind being proved wrong. I'm just not raving about the concept or design as I perceive it right now.
The icicle twins...


All images c/o: MBA Models

I'm surprised it's taken so long to expose our brilliant model makers. I wonder why they (and render artists) don't make themselves known to UT considering they're usually the ones we hold the builders up to. They've got hundreds of fans here.

Thanks for posting the url to MBA Models!
If we created so many street walls, where will people get breathing space? Opening up the area with a roof podium creates a space for people to hang out and enjoy the fresh air. I think having a street wall in the area isn't appropriate because the area is so pact and intruding, there's no space to give back to the people to hang out or breath. It might as well be part of the financial core if it was street walled as well.

Not quite and I hate to think that this project's podium is actually being conceived as breathing room between all the density in Toronto. Seriously now, Toronto is in no shape or form a resemblance of any walled-in city due to density, so what makes this private roof an open space for the public? I don't believe it is accessible and if it will be, you can guarantee it will be reserved for those who are kool enough for the ice roof!

Not quite and I hate to think that this project's podium is actually being conceived as breathing room between all the density in Toronto. Seriously now, Toronto is in no shape or form a resemblance of any walled-in city due to density, so what makes this private roof an open space for the public? I don't believe it is accessible and if it will be, you can guarantee it will be reserved for those who are kool enough for the ice roof!


The roof won't be accessible to anyone. Public or private. What I mean public space is under the roof. People can stand around the area or walk around it. If there was a huge podium like MLS, there won't be much space for people to walk. Here is the foot print for ice location.


As you can see, there's only 5.2m distance between the building and the street on the left and 3m from the top. Where are people suppose to go walk around in during lunch breaks or during the games with it's packed? How about people heading south from union station to Queen's Quay? They need space to sprawl. A public space is needed there even if it's not a huge amount of space. At least something is better than nothing. The only closest public space available is at round house. If you mean to move the green roof podium higher, that would defeat the purpose of having a shelter. If it rains, I don't think it would help much if it's 9 stories high above.
The only people with access to the roof will be the custodial staff who will cut the lawns and take care of the gardens. No amenity space here P5.
I'm not sure if the farmer's market idea will fly on lands that are maintained privately by a condominium corporation
Well, they're their own community, and they could probably plant enough redcurrants, blackcurrants, mulberries, raspberries, rhubarb, gooseberries, and all kinds of wonderfully nutritious veggies to be self-sufficient if they wanted to.
I also find the cheese hats and other elements to be a little kitschy and clumsy, sort of the 'cheddingtonista' (cheddar-ista?) version of modernism.

As with Casa, where the little cap is a summation of the stacked balconies below, so is the "cheese" hat a summation of the podium building below - not some gratuitous, unrelated pippypoo or doodad slapped on for cheap effect.

( When can I start collecting royalties when people use the term Cheddintonista? I think interchange is doing it when people use The Cheapening. )
As with Casa, where the little cap is a summation of the stacked balconies below, so is the "cheese" hat a summation of the podium building below - not some gratuitous, unrelated pippypoo or doodad slapped on for cheap effect.)

related perhaps, but a cheap effect nonetheless. The building doesn't need them and is not better for them, no matter how much one may like cheese and cheese.
related perhaps, but a cheap effect nonetheless. The building doesn't need them and is not better for them, no matter how much one may like cheese and cheese.

If you're saying the building doesn't need it, it wouldn't be "cheap effect" then. You don't want them to put anything on top. Adding stuff would cost more money. Basically you just don't like their design. The only cheapening that goes on might be the inside which we can't guess until it's done. Cheapening seems to happen everywhere. I was at Element (Tridel building) for the condo meeting and noticed the party room floor was vinyl :eek:
It didn't call it the 'cheapening' even if the hat/podium designs feel like cheap tricks; I accused it of a cheddingtonista 'cheapening' of modernism.... which, normally I don't have a huge problem with but I'm not crazy about it here. Do like the towers though.
