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News   Mar 06, 2025
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Thompson Corp. Taking Over Reuters - Implications for Toronto?

roch5220, I don't know where you're quoting that from, but what I wrote before was a direct quotation from their 2006 annual report.

spmarshall, the state of registration is often Delaware, but the headquarters can be anywhere.
As I'm sure you are aware, the head office of a company is not necessarily where the bulk of its workforce is. See, for example, the banks, Boeing, the mines, etc. Capital knows no borders - why should Lord Thomson be constricted by some provincial's fantasy?

The thread is about implications for Toronto as a result of the Reuters merger. The implications are negligible because the company is run from the USA. Toronto will not benefit, Stamford, Connecticut will. How can you not acknowledge that?

By your logic, it doesn't matter if Royal Bank moves it's head office to Connecticut because, as you put it, the head office is not necessarily where the bulk of its workforce is". Head office jobs do matter a great deal. Without them, cities lose prestige, wealth, clout, and good jobs. Without them, we'd have to send our kids to places like Stamford for a good job. Your response to the post was to comment that the Thomson building is still here. What good is a building when the jobs aren't contained within it? Hell, why not move all the big bank head office jobs to Stamford, it won't matter because those bank towers in Toronto's CBC will still say RBC or Scotiabank on the side of them. Are you 12?

No one is arguing that Mr. Thomson can't put employees where he wants, but you go try and convince the thousands of white collar workers in Toronto if they would rather have 3000 high paid Thomson employees in Toronto or Stamford. Go try convince any Torontonian with a properly functioning brain.

I suppose jobs for Torontonians don't matter to you. Good thing you aren't running things, this place would be filled with McJobs only. Please try and convince anyone that Toronto will benefit from this merger because of your fantastic argument: oh look, we have a building that says Thomson on it.
The thread is about implications for Toronto as a result of the Reuters merger. The implications are negligible because the company is run from the USA. Toronto will not benefit, Stamford, Connecticut will. How can you not acknowledge that?

I can do it quite easily, because Stamford, Connecticut will not really benefit from it either. Reuters is based in London and last I checked, those tremendously meaningful "high paying administrative jobs" (most of whose high pay is a drop in the bucket of the revenues and expenditures of companies this large) won't be moving to Stamford. You likewise can't say that Stamford, Connecticut will be the ultimate financial beneficiary: the Thomson family itself owns 70% of Thomson Corp. and 53% of the merged company, which they control through Woodbridge -- which is based in Toronto. Also, I believe the new company will have a dual listing in Toronto and London. As Thomson Corp. was already listed in both Toronto and New York and will get rid of the NY listing and set up a true dual listing in Toronto and London, this basically amounts to Reuters setting up a dual listing in Toronto, which can't be bad for the TSX, can it?

I may be off with some of the details, as I haven't really been following this too closely.
roch5220, I don't know where you're quoting that from, but what I wrote before was a direct quotation from their 2006 annual report.

I did an internet search. The quote could be wrong. I got it from CDN encycopedia.
Scotiabank's mailing contact info:

"Scotiabank Head Office
44 King St West
Toronto ON
M5H 1H1"

There might be a small symbolic presence in Halifax at the old HQ (1709 Hollis Street).
