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The end of FHRITP in Toronto?

He should have reported the guy to HR. Actually I take that back. We can't assume he did nothing. His employer MLSE did get involved so maybe he did.

One would hope that incidences such as these would result in immediate intervention, not "reporting the guy to HR" after the fact. As to MLSE get involved, I am curious whether there are any previous incidents of questionable behaviour and ask, why the sudden urgency (beyond the obvious "geez, it went viral").

Anyone remember when a CITY new anchor made some nasty remarks about gays? I worked there at the time and I'm gay, the anchor was never disciplined for this.

Remember the time when blacks had to ride on the back of a bus, and weren't allowed to drink from the same fountains as white people? Or when women were expected to stay home and take care of the house and kids while the husbands went out and made money?

Should we stop speaking out against racism and sexism because no one spoke up in the past?
Remember the time when blacks had to ride on the back of a bus, and weren't allowed to drink from the same fountains as white people? Or when women were expected to stay home and take care of the house and kids while the husbands went out and made money?

Should we stop speaking out against racism and sexism because no one spoke up in the past?
Isn't Gord Martineau still employed at CITY? If he isn't, he left fairly recently.

We aren't talking the 1950s here ...
Remember the time when blacks had to ride on the back of a bus, and weren't allowed to drink from the same fountains as white people? Or when women were expected to stay home and take care of the house and kids while the husbands went out and made money?

Should we stop speaking out against racism and sexism because no one spoke up in the past?

Wow, what a stretch.
Isn't Gord Martineau still employed at CITY? If he isn't, he left fairly recently.

We aren't talking the 1950s here ...

Are persecuting people who thought differently in the 50's today? you can bet that had he said that today, he would be unemployed in an instant.
Actually, you're defending his action. Or at least trying to insert 'mitigating circumstances.'

Ok, maybe fair enough. I'd say I am speaking out against his punishment without condoning his action. He should be labelled a jerk, he should be fined, and he should probably be banned from BMO field for a long time. I don't think he should lose his job. That's a horrible thing for anyone to experience.
Article in the CBC...

Firing of Shawn Simoes for off-duty 'FHRITP' video reflects employment trend

WARNING: This story contains offensive language

By Erin Obourn, CBC News Posted: May 13, 2015 10:00 AM ET Last Updated: May 13, 2015 10:39 AM ET

The dismissal of a Hydro One engineer for his involvement in the vulgar disruption of a female reporter is the latest example of employers firing employees for their conduct outside of work, according to employment lawyers.

Hydro One engineer Shawn Simoes was among a group of men who hurled obscenities at Shauna Hunt, a CityNews reporter covering a Toronto FC soccer game on Sunday.

Video of Hunt confronting the men, one of whom yelled "F--k her right in the p---y," went viral. Two days later Hydro One announced the termination of Simoes.

Simoes is shown in the video calling his friend's use of FHRITP — a popular trend of heckling female journalists— hilarious before telling the reporter she is lucky they didn't have a vibrator.

"Hydro One is taking steps to terminate the employee for violating our Code of Conduct," Daffyd Roderick, the company's director of corporate affairs, said in a statement. "Respect for all people is engrained in the code and our values. We are committed to a work environment where discrimination or harassment of any type is met with zero tolerance."

There is an increasing trend towards off-duty conduct being used to justify dismissal if it is captured and shared through social media, said Carman Overholt, an employment lawyer and founder of Overholt Law Barristers & Solicitors.

'There is no privacy'

Employers have fired employees who were caught acting inappropriately outside work, even if they were unaware they were being filmed, recorded or photographed.

"Look what happened to Donald Sterling. His girlfriend was privately taping him and it made him a national embarrassment," said Howard Levitt, a senior partner at Levitt and Grosman LLP and an expert on employment law. "There is no privacy. This is the least privacy we've had in history."

Hunt told CBC's As It Happens that her intent was not to vilify her hecklers.

"They're just an example of hundreds and hundreds of men that have been doing this to reporters in Toronto for the past two years."

Line between on-duty, off-duty less clear

Hydro One is likely justified in their decision to fire Simoes, lawyers said.

Traditionally, a company's code of conduct would not cover off-duty actions, Overholt said.

"That said, there are certain kinds of extremely offensive and shocking off-duty conduct that may make the continuation of the employment relationship impossible."

Workers can be fired for behaviour outside work if it damages the reputation of their employer, he said.

After the riots that swept Vancouver in 2011 following the Canucks' defeat in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, a photo of a woman looting Sears was spotted online by her employer and she was subsequently let go.

"The line between on-duty and off-duty is not as clear as it once was due to social media," Overholt said.

"Behaviour outside of work may very well justify a form of discipline, including dismissal."

Employees who are in a position in which they are publicly connected to their employer to the degree that their behaviour is deemed detrimental to the company brand can face dismissal for such behaviour.

"If you are an employee sitting in anonymity in a warehouse somewhere, it's less likely you would be publicly connected to that brand," Levitt said.

Unionized employees shouldn't consider themselves better protected, he said.

"Unions can say they don't want to be a part of a case," Levitt said. "They don't have to take cases they don't believe in."

Justified discipline in the workplace is considered on a case-by-case basis, lawyers say. The contextual approach considers other factors like language of the code of conduct, company policy, the employee's work history and terms of employment.

Offences don't have to be work-related

In Calgary, police have gone on the offensive and deemed the FHRITP trend a crime. "This activity constitutes grounds for a charge and arrest," read a statement.

There are numerous charges that could be laid from FHRITP disruptions, Toronto police said, including breach of the peace, sexual harassment and mischief.

Had the men in Sunday's video been charged, it also could be grounds for dismissal.

In the case of Kelly v. Linamar Corporation, a 2005 Ontario lawsuit, an IT employee was charged with possession of child pornography using his own computer and acting entirely on his own time. It was not related to work, but he was subsequently fired.

A judge sided with Linamar that the worker's termination was justified, because of concern over the impact on the workplace and the reputation of the employer in the community.

Levitt suggests employees, as a rule of thumb, assume they can get fired for inappropriate conduct everywhere they go.
Ok, maybe fair enough. I'd say I am speaking out against his punishment without condoning his action. He should be labelled a jerk, he should be fined, and he should probably be banned from BMO field for a long time. I don't think he should lose his job. That's a horrible thing for anyone to experience.

I was close to this opinion too. I was thinking a 2-4 week unpaid suspension and mandatory counselling would be appropriate. Then I watched the video of him again. The punishment was fair, he was proudly defending this practice - which is worse than the actual phrase that started it.
I was close to this opinion too. I was thinking a 2-4 week unpaid suspension and mandatory counselling would be appropriate. Then I watched the video of him again. The punishment was fair, he was proudly defending this practice - which is worse than the actual phrase that started it.
Then the dildo/vibrator comment (forget which he used)...

A coworker's relative at work here works at Hydro One.. Apparently he was not liked.. 'Arrogant douchebag' was what was told... Which further leads me to believe he would not have been fired if he was well liked and this was truly a colossal judgment error.
Then the dildo/vibrator comment (forget which he used)...

A coworker's relative at work here works at Hydro One.. Apparently he was not liked.. 'Arrogant douchebag' was what was told... Which further leads me to believe he would not have been fired if he was well liked and this was truly a colossal judgment error.

Wow. So his co workers already thought he was a jerk. That'll be great for references on his resume. Between that and him being famous now on the internet, I highly doubt his Mom will be laughing (like he thought) when he's unemployed, out of money and living in her basement rent free.
Question: He had a union job, so I assume they will be mad, right? Or will they realize that defending this idiot isn't worth it?
I'm glad Shawn Simoes's true personality is now open for the public to see...however, the other perpetrators in the video also need to be identified. Their deplorable actions should come with consequences. I have no idea why they think FHRITP is even funny. I remember seeing that for the first time and I didn't find it humourous then either. And a year later...really?
he didn't say it in the 50's either



Filip, from what I have read on the CityPlace group, it wasn't only co-workers that thought he was considered an arrogant douchebag. His neighbours thought so too.


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At this point, I would think that Hydro One would have a bigger labour issue if they kept him on. Since he seemed to have no shame in broadcasting his misogynistic views (which basically amounted to "we think harassment is funny, so you have to take it") on TV, it could be argued that simply keeping him employed creates a threatening workplace environment for any female staff.

When I worked for a large company, all staff had to read and agree to the company code of conduct. One of the things it stated was that any behaviour which reflected badly on the company, even if it was legal, was grounds for dismissal. I would assume Hydro One's code of conduct is similar, and they checked with their legal department before kicking his ass to the curb.
